Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), a leading provider in billing and practice management for the anesthesia and pain management specialty, is pleased to announce that the Winter 2017 issue of its quarterly newsletter, The Communiqué, is now available.

The Communiqué is a publication dedicated to bringing practical and tangible articles and advice, specific to the anesthesia and pain management community. The Communiqué features articles focusing on the latest hot topics for anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, pain management specialists and anesthesia practice administrators. ABC offers The Communiqué electronically as well as in hard copy, both on a complimentary basis.

Tony Mira, President & CEO explains, “Our authors are constantly thinking about the dynamic world of anesthesia practice and they always have something interesting to tell us. We always strive to provide articles and advice that are practical and relevant and this Winter issue is no exception.”

A new author this month, Asa C. Lockhart, MD, MBA, Co-Founder and Principal of Golden Caduceus Consultants, takes us on a brief but intriguing journey of some potential options in, MACRA’s Physician-Focused Alternative Payment Model Options: A Multispecialty Perspective, developed by the American Medical Association and the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform.

To assist in this first performance year, Kathryn Hickner, Esq., Ulmer & Berne LLP, returns to this issue with The MACRA Quality Payment Program Is Here. Are You Ready?, an overview of the Quality Payment Program (QPP) and its two tracks, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and Advanced Alternative Payment Models. Ms. Hickner encourages anesthesia providers to “promptly and proactively develop a firm understanding and strategy to thrive under MACRA and the QPP.”

For these and past Communiqué articles, please log on to ABC’s website at and click the link to view the electronic version of The Communiqué online. To be put on the automated email notification list, please send your email address to We look forward to providing you with compliance, coding and practice management news through The Communiqué.

About Anesthesia Business Consultants

Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), established in 1979, is the nation’s largest billing and practice management company dedicated to the complex and intricate specialty of anesthesia and pain management. The heart of our perioperative suite of products is ABC’s proprietary practice management software F1RSTAnesthesia. Our newest tool is F1RSTClient, the premier client portal that allows clients’ secure and seamless access to ABC’s applications. F1RSTAnalytics, our powerful suite of dashboards and reports, provides “Insight at Your Fingertips” offering real-time data prowess and providing the data to aid in operating your anesthesia practice as an effective clinical organization and successful business. Our solutions provide accurate, prompt and complete billing and revenue cycle management. Our exclusive focus improves your cash flow and profitability. Visit ABC at: