AbleNet, Inc. announces that its' Equals Mathematics Curriculum achieved 83 percent improvement in math skills for students with disabilities. The Developmental Learning Program in Midlothian, Illinois conducted this independent, two-year research to document progress, which significantly exceeded their expectations.

"We are very enthusiastic about these outstanding test results and even more delighted with the positive impact it has had for the students," said AbleNet CEO Jen Thalhuber. "The AbleNet team has developed what we know is the best special education math curriculum in the market. The response from educators has been overwhelmingly positive."

"We were stunned to see how far our students progressed in their math skills with the Equals program," said Shawn Fornek, principal, Developmental Learning Program. "There is absolutely no other special education math curriculum that gives such an effective and complete program for teaching math. It is exciting to see such astounding progress."

The study focused on K-8 students with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities including autism, cognitive disabilities, and multiple disabilities. The results for the first year indicated that all 72 students increased their math skills by 38 percent with no regression. Over two years, the 58 remaining students increased their math skills at an average of 83%.

The Developmental Learning Program also provided the Illinois State testing results for this same group of 58 remaining students. 80 percent of students achieved improvement in their math skills, with 92 percent at the satisfactory or mastery levels of competency, confirming the independent research results

Equals Mathmatics Curriculum recieved the 2012 Distinguished Achievement Award from the Association of Education Publishers.

About AbleNet
AbleNet is an international company and industry leader in providing educational and technical solutions to help children and adults with disabilities lead productive and fulfilled lives. This includes a complete line of communication aids for nonverbal individuals; access aids, such as switches and wheelchair-mounting devices for people who require physical supports; and special education classroom curriculum and software that both enhance and help ensure learning progress. For more information visit

For AbleNet
Kris Sundberg, 612-332-4222