According to media reports, Argentine Economy Minister Axel Kicillof will be in Paris this week to talk with Paris Club members in an effort to settle Argentina's the decade-old outstanding debts to creditor country governments.

ATFA Co-chairs Dr. Robert Shapiro and Ambassador Nancy Soderberg issued the following the statement:

"The Argentine government has long refused to negotiate with public creditor countries such as Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom since its 2001 debt default and 2005 restructuring. Alongside these countries, private creditors from around the world have been waiting patiently an opportunity to negotiate with the country. These private lenders include individual pensioners in many countries, including Italy, Germany, Belgium, the United States and Argentina, as well as many institutional investors.

"Why does the Argentine government continue to refuse to negotiate with these private creditors? Time and again, private creditors have asked the Argentine government to simply negotiate in good faith on an equitable settlement. In order for such a negotiation to occur, both sides must be willing to cooperate, and the Argentine government has remained intransigent."

About the American Task Force Argentina

The American Task Force Argentina (ATFA) is an alliance of organizations united for a just and fair reconciliation of the Argentine government's 2001 debt default and subsequent restructuring. Our members work with lawmakers, the media, and other interested parties to encourage the United States government to vigorously pursue a negotiated settlement with the Argentine government in the interests of American stakeholders. To contact us, email or call 888-662-2382.

American Task Force Argentina (ATFA)