Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

(Gary Shapiro, President/ Consumer Technology Association)

"CES is the World Cup for innovation and technology. It's a place where those with ideas gather with those with the business. And what's changed in the last year or so is generative AI. AI that learns from the past, it keeps gathering data and learns from it and does things better."

Companies are expected to show off how they use AI in their products

(Richard Malterre, Chief Communications Officer / Enchanted Tools)

"In fact, we have different AI. First we have a conversational one so the robot can be answering questions. And then we also have AI to help them map the world and move around people. And the other, again, one AI is dedicated to grab things."

(Giuk Lee, Herotics spokesperson)

"And this robot is for sports performance enhancement. You can run faster with this device because it automatically detects your running posture and your intent and it pulls and synchronizes your motion, you push the ground with much higher impact."

Funding for generative AI projects exploded in 2023

surging more than fivefold from 2022

Source: PitchBook