Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "AI, Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis Applied to Finance" conference to their offering.

Technology innovations meet greatest success in business when these are entirely client focussed'. Developments in the retail sector, which is consumer-led, are addressing client demand for more personalised, faster and competitive services. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis are changing the way in which these services are offered. In particular Financial Organisations are creating and leveraging such innovation in the domain of wealth management. This trend is now being taken on board by multiple innovators: academia, start-ups, technology companies and financial market participants.

AI and Machine Learning have emerged as a central aspect of analytics which is applied to multiple domains. AI and Machine Learning, Pattern classifiers and natural language processing (NLP) underpin Sentiment Analysis (SA); SA is a technology that makes rapid assessment of the sentiments expressed in news releases as well as other media sources such as Twitter and blogs. The conference addresses and explains how to extract sentiment from these multiple sources of information and showcases the advances that have taken place in the field of financial innovation.

Along with many of the highest-ranking speakers from our London events, we are inviting some new presenters; the focus is on the latest research and includes presentations by leading subject experts from all over the world, as well as a number of applications/case studies.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Pattern classifiers, NLP and AI applied to data, text and multi-media
  • Sentiment scores combined with neo-classical - models of finance
  • Financial analytics underpinned by qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Predictive and normative analysis applied to finance
  • Applications in Financial Markets


Day 1

  • Welcome and Introduction - Professor Gautam Mitra, OptiRisk Systems Ltd
  • Using AI to Integrate Behavioral Insights into Investment Strategies
  • From news to protests: Measuring human behaviour around the world
  • Exploiting Alternative Data in the Investment Process
  • Beating Markowitz with Sentiment and Downside Risk Control
  • Text mining and deep learning for sentiment analysis
  • Panel: Adoption of Sentiment Analysis, AI & Machine Learning in trading strategies and risk control
  • Innovative ways of Gauging Sentiment to Trade FX & Open Source Software in Finance
  • How UltraLow Latency Social Media Trading Signals are Disrupting Traditional Trading Strategies
  • Social Media, News Media and the Stock Market

Day 2

  • Social Listening & Financial CrowdIntelligence
  • Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing
  • An Era of Emerging Data: APIs, Unstructured Text, and Crowd Trading
  • Close of conference

For more information about this conference visit