Andrew B. McCallister

Andrew B. McCallister

Energy Minerals
Distribution Services
Industrial Services

Andrew B. McCallister active positions

Corporate Secretary - -
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
General Counsel 30/06/2016 31/10/2018
Corporate Secretary 30/06/2016 31/10/2018
Bandmill Coal LLC Corporate Secretary - -
Corporate Secretary - -
Corporate Secretary - -
Corporate Secretary - -
Bandytown Coal Co. Corporate Secretary - -
Corporate Secretary - -
Aracoma Coal Co. LLC Corporate Secretary - -
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Career history of Andrew B. McCallister

Former positions of Andrew B. McCallister

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United States 120


Corporate Secretary 148
General Counsel 7
President 6


Energy Minerals 57
Distribution Services 3
Industrial Services 2

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

Linked companies

Private companies119
Aracoma Coal Co. LLC

Bandmill Coal LLC

Bandytown Coal Co.

Barnabus Land Co.

Belfry Coal Corp.

Black King Mine Development Co.

Boone East Development Co. LLC

Clear Fork Coal Co.

Crystal Fuels Co.

Dehue Coal Co.

Delbarton Mining Co. LLC

Drih Corp.

Goals Coal Co.

Green Valley Coal Co. LLC

Greyeagle Coal Co.

Hopkins Creek Coal Co.

Independence Coal Co. LLC

Jacks Branch Coal Co.

Kanawha Energy Co. LLC

Knox Creek Coal Corp.

Energy Minerals

Laxare, Inc.

Logan County Mine Services, Inc.

Long Fork Coal Co. LLC

Lynn Branch Coal Co., Inc.

Energy Minerals

Martin County Coal Corp.

Industrial Services

Energy Minerals

New Ridge Mining Co.

Omar Mining Co. LLC

Peerless Eagle Coal Co. LLC

Performance Coal Co. LLC

Peter Cave Mining Co.

Pilgrim Mining Co., Inc.

Power Mountain Coal Co. LLC

Rawl Sales & Processing Co. LLC

Robinson-Phillips Coal Co.

Rum Creek Coal Sales, Inc.

Russell Fork Coal Co.

Shannon-Pocahontas Coal Corp.

Shannon-Pocahontas Mining Co.

Sidney Coal Co. LLC

Spartan Mining Co. LLC

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Sycamore Fuels, Inc.

Distribution Services

Tennessee Consolidated Coal Co.

Trace Creek Coal Co.

White Buck Coal Co.

Williams Mountain Coal Co.

Wyomac Coal Co., Inc.

Health Services


Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Distribution Services

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Non-Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Big Bear Mining Co. LLC

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Harlan Reclamation Services LLC

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Elk Run Coal Co. LLC

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

North Fork Coal Corp.

Mill Branch Coal LLC

New River Energy LLC

Pennsylvania Land Holdings Co. LLC

Commercial Services

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals


Energy Minerals

Resource Land Co. LLC

Pigeon Creek Processing LLC

See company connections