STORY: BP employees must disclose any intimate relationships with colleagues or risk losing their jobs.

The energy major told staff of its new policy in a memo.

The move shows how much former CEO Bernard Looney's sudden departure last year is still felt.

BP sacked Looney and accused him of knowingly misleading the board by failing to disclose past relationships.

The updated policy - quote - "prohibits employees from directly or indirectly managing relatives or those with whom they're in an intimate relationship."

BP said employees will face disciplinary action for not complying with the new requirements, including potential dismissal.

Thousands of senior leaders are also required to declare any intimate relationships with employees or agency workers occurring within the last 3 years.

BP said workers are now required to disclose intimate relationships at work, whether or not they feel they represent a conflict of interest.

The company concluded its investigation into Looney's conduct with the help of a law firm earlier this year.

It has not disclosed its findings or conclusions, according to two sources.

BP's board dismissed Looney last December and clawed back up to $40 million of his remuneration.