Daily price chart °16213

CORN FUTURE (ZC) - CBE/C1 : Supply surplus

Corn is the most cultivated grain in the world, is listed on the Chicago Board of Trade , the most important stock exchange for agricultural commodities. Over 70% of world wide production is meant for...
Our Logo May 16, 2012 at 02:07 pm
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : No real trend

In an uncertain global economy, oil suffers from some profit taking. Indeed, some easing in prices has been observed in recent days following the publication of disappointing economic indicators...
Our Logo April 25, 2012 at 10:21 am
Daily price chart °46869179

S&P GSCI COPPER INDEX 2 : Macro economic environment is quickly changed

The copper’s strong acceleration in January, when the metal gained about 11%, was blamed to good economic news. In two months the macroeconomic environment has quickly changed, in fact last week...
Our Logo April 18, 2012 at 02:12 pm
Daily price chart °16218

WHEAT FUTURE (ZW) - CBE/C1 : New price recovery ?

The world wheat acreage should rise by 1.5% for the harvest 2012/13. The world production of wheat in 2012, with 690 million tons, will be close to the record of 2011. According to the quarterly...
Our Logo April 03, 2012 at 09:51 am
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : Very long congestion

Good U.S. economic indicators and geopolitical risks maintain oil prices around $ 100 for several weeks. A new increase sustainable in direction of $ 150, as envisaged by many analysts and investors,...
Our Logo March 23, 2012 at 01:36 pm
Daily price chart °89083

PLATINUM : Sensitive to risk aversion

The platinum traded on the “London Platinum and Palladium Market” is characterized by its extreme rarity. The extraction of this metal is realized only in very limited geographical areas of the...
Our Logo March 22, 2012 at 11:37 am
Daily price chart °4947

GOLD : Buying power

The new gold’s increase during the past year has been seen as another excess growth. The recent publication of World Gold Council, a lobby group for the gold mining industry, has shown that this...
Our Logo February 23, 2012 at 03:55 pm
Daily price chart °46869179

S&P GSCI COPPER INDEX 2 : Improvements in the macroeconomic environment

Inflation’s risks incite investors to take long positions on commodities, especially after FED Chairman, Ben Bernanke, announced the possibility of a new quantitative easing. On the supply side,...
Our Logo February 09, 2012 at 01:11 pm
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : Calm and Expectation characterize the price of the barrel

Good U.S. economic indicators and geopolitical risks still present, have led a significant rebound in the price of WTI, which returned close to $ 100 in November 2011. Since this recovery, WTI...
Our Logo February 08, 2012 at 03:08 pm
LME Aluminium Cash :  Aluminum traders to producers

LME Aluminium Cash : Aluminum traders to producers: Cut like it's 1994

To find a precedent for the deep, lasting output cuts that aluminum producers must make to put a floor under prices, traders are looking a lot further back than the last recession....
January 07, 2012 at 06:53 pm