Certain Ordinary Shares of Zenova Group PLC are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 22-JAN-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 549 days starting from 22-JUL-2021 to 22-JAN-2023.

All of the Directors and applicable employees who hold Ordinary Shares and related parties, including substantial shareholders have agreed for a period of 12 months from Admission, that they will not dispose of any of the Ordinary Shares held by them, during the period commencing on the 12 month anniversary of Admission and ending on the 18 month anniversary of Admission, that they will not dispose of more than one third of the Ordinary Shares held by them and during the period commencing on the 18 month anniversary of Admission and ending on the 24 month anniversary of Admission that they will not dispose of more than two thirds of the Ordinary Shares held by them.