Zenabis Global Inc. provided an update on its recent facility construction and licensing activities, sales and marketing highlights and recent cannabis production results. The amount harvested at Zenabis Atholville for the three months ending November 2019 exceeded the revised design capacity of the flower rooms by an average of 2.8%, compared to 13.7% in the three-month period ending October 2019. Zenabis Langley's initial harvest produced 342 kg of dried cannabis, which is approximately 20% of its design capacity. Zenabis has identified a variety of ramp-up challenges, which have generally been addressed, with the exception of lighting. Zenabis is in the process of installing additional lighting improvements, in order to improve yield in the fall and winter seasons. While the yield from Zenabis Langley's initial harvest was lower than the initial forecast, the quality of cannabis produced was high based on the cannabinoid yield of the cultivars harvested. The first harvest from Zenabis Langley recorded the Company's second highest ever THC result for Ultra Sour with 26.5% total THC, and three of the cultivars harvested (Ultra Sour, Wappa and MK Ultra) achieved above the company's expected total THC yield. In November 2019, Zenabis completed 15 harvests at Zenabis Atholville, one harvest at Zenabis Langley and one harvest in Stellarton. Zenabis Langley Part 1 and Part 2A are licensed and operational. Zenabis has reached substantial completion on Part 2B. Zenabis has submitted a cultivation license amendment for Part 2B in December 2019 and expects to receive Health Canada approval of that amendment in First Quarter 2020. Construction of Zenabis Langley Part 2C consists of a design capacity of 32,000 kg and is ongoing but at a reduced pace as the Company's main focus for Zenabis Langley is to achieve operational excellence and operate at a steady state.