Yida China Holdings Limited provides unaudited operating results for the month and twelve months ended 31 December 2022. In December 2022, the Group's contracted sales amounted to approximately RMB 221 million and the Group's attributable contracted sales was approximately RMB 215 million. During the same period, the Group's gross floor area ("GFA") sold was 27,307 sq.m. and the Group's attributable GFA sold was 26,530 sq.m. The Group's average selling price (the "ASP") was approximately RMB 8,099 per sq.m. and the Group's attributable ASP was approximately RMB 8,092 per sq.m.

For the twelve months ended 31 December 2022, the Group's contracted sales amounted to approximately RMB 1,951 million and the Group's attributable contracted sales was approximately RMB 1,654 million. During the same period, the Group's GFA sold was 175,920 sq.m. and the Group's attributable GFA sold was 140,416 sq.m. The Group's ASP was approximately RMB 11,089 per sq.m. and the Group's attributable ASP was approximately RMB 11,783 per sq.m.