Yappn Corp. announced the launch of its groundbreaking e-commerce platform. This new disruptive service covers the entire transactional experience - from pre-sales marketing and brand messaging, to e-commerce search and shopping cart check-out and post-sales support - all in the customers' native language.

Yappn facilitates the e-commerce experience for companies across the globe, allowing them to extend their reach and have a true global voice and presence. As part of the initial launch, well-known street and action sportswear brands, including Yeah Nice, Ethika, Rocksmith, Wu-Tang Clan, and Ezekiel are leveraging Yappn's new e-commerce service and integrating it into their existing online sales platforms. According to a recent study, 75% of consumers say they want to see products in their native language. With 73% of the world's online population being non-native English speakers, the demand for language services technology continues to climb alongside a 19% increase in international e-commerce sales.

Ultimately, Yappn's e-commerce platform provides comfort and respect to consumers who are engaging in the purchasing process by providing them with content in their native language. In addition, the platform allows companies to realize new revenue channels within the broader multi-billion dollar multi-lingual community. In addition to U.S. companies who want to reach those within own country who do not speak English - more than 21% of Americans speak another language other than English at home - Yappn's new platform will be incredibly impactful for e-commerce sites in Asia, Europe and South America who want to breakthrough and earn market share within the U.S. Ultimately, Yappn's goal is to globalize e-commerce and help brands increase, in real-time, their visibility and sales.

By creating an online marketplace that is language agnostic, companies have the opportunity to expand, grow, and communicate within a multi-lingual environment.