Yappn Corp. announced that it has signed an initial agreement with VerbalizeIt. Yappn's algorithmic and real time automated language platform and VerbalizeIt will look to mutually provide services to each other as well as to the other party's existing and new clients to increase service offerings leveraging efficiencies and effectiveness with a focus on Ecommerce and related revenue areas.

The relationship between VerbalizeIt and Yappn is a natural fit as each company services the same verticals of online responsive data, Ecommerce, web events and video captioning albeit in different manners. Yappn provides real time algorithmic and automated language services while VerbalizeIt provides timely and high-quality human-powered translation services. Each provides similar integration methods for clients to easily implement and globalize their properties allowing for increased efficiencies and economies of scale.

These services will furnish online content providers, Ecommerce companies and others with services to quickly provide responsive opportunities to their customers and update content, where necessary, in a quick turnaround manner, keeping customers at the forefront of the language experience and allowing vendors to reach new and global audiences.