Y. T. Realty Group Limited announced that Mr. da Rosa has tendered his resignation as the Company Secretary with effect from 1 August 2021 due to changes in his business commitments. Mr. da Rosa has confirmed to the Company that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no circumstances relating to his resignation which need to be brought to the attention of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") and the shareholders of the Company. The Board also announced that Mr. Tong has been appointed as the Company Secretary with effect from 1 August 2021. Mr. Tong, aged 71, has been practicing as a solicitor in Hong Kong for over 40 years and is a partner of Messrs. Ronald Tong & Co. Mr. Tong holds a Bachelor of Law degree from The University of Hong Kong and a Diploma in Chinese Law from University of East Asia, Macau. Mr. Tong is also a Notary Public and a China Appointed Attesting Officer, and was admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales, Victoria (Australia) and Singapore. Mr. Tong is currently an independent non-executive director of Country Garden Holdings Company Limited (Stock Code: 2007), a company listed on the Stock Exchange.