DetailsPublished on Thursday, 31 July 2014 08:36

In Gazeta Finansowa weekly the Ranking of 100 Polish largest IT and Communication companies was published.
According to the ranking of companies with the highest income WASKO SA is placed within the first 20 companies.
WASKO company occupies the 7th position among the largest distributors of IT software and hardware.
WASKO occupies the 1st position among the best companies in advisory in Poland.
Electronic Services Platform of the Univrsity of Warsaw for the community of the region
Published on: Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:55

WASKO S.A. conducts the project Electronic Services Platform of the University of Warsaw for the community of the region, delivering among other necessary network devices.
Within the projects the following are created:
• interactive information portal covering among others University System of Handling Studies as a cloud service,
• system of exchange of information authorising management content and documents,
• electronic channel of providing aministrative decisions on the basis of trusted and verified user profiles in ePUAP.

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