VVC Exploration Corporation announced the completion of Levens 4-31 well in the Syracuse Project as well as the commencement of drilling activities at the Josephine Mack 1-18 well, marking the initiation of the Company's first test well within the Stockholm Project located in Wallace County, Kansas. Progress In Syracuse Project With Completion of Levens 4-31: The Company has finished the completion work of Levens 4-31, bringing the total number of producing wells in the Syracuse Project to five. The Company is committed to completing three more wells in Syracuse.

Spudding of Josephine Mack 1-18 Well: On May 31st, drilling crews broke ground with the spudding of Josephine Mack 1-18. Spudding is the process of beginning to drill a well in the oil and gas industry, marking the start of the actual drilling operation. This well represents the first exploratory effort under the Stockholm Project's scope, targeting the Morrow Zone at a proposed depth of 5,300 feet.

This initiative underscores VVC's strategic entry into this geologically promising region. The Company has positioned the Josephine Mack 1-18 to thoroughly evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the Morrow Zone. Exploration Strategy and Economic Significance: The Company's Stockholm Project is in the Morrow Zone, known for its stratigraphy and potential as a hydrocarbon reservoir.

The data from the Josephine Mack 1-18 well will help determine the feasibility of further development in this area. This project is located an hour north of the Syracuse Project, which will allow the Company to utilize existing relationships with favorable vendors and operators.