Vitalibis, Inc. announced a business alliance with Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC). This relationship will help support LBBC’s programs and services for individuals and families whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer. Vitalibis’ social mission is centered around increasing awareness, inspiring action and providing funding to existing non-profits who are improving the lives of people and the environment. As Customers shop and purchase Vitalibis products using this unique URL, assigned solely and exclusively for Living Beyond Breast Cancer, Vitalibis will allocate 20% of the purchase price from each product sale to LBBC’s general fund. Over the course of her life, an American women’s risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer is about 1 in 8; a man’s risk is about 1 in 833. In 2019, an estimated 271,270 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and 62,930 with non-invasive (in situ) cancer. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. More than 3.5 million Americans are living with a history of breast cancer.