VHM Limited announces the results from Area 4 Metallurgical testwork, confirming high THM grades and amenability to the Goschen Project (Areas 1 and 3) processing through the conventional flowsheet. Area 4 is located outside of the Goschen Project footprint and is part of a high grade strandline deposit defined by resource definition drilling in 2018 and 2019. The Company also announces the commencement of drilling at the Cannie and Nowie Prospects. As part of VHM's extensive metallurgical testwork program, 1.6 tonnes of material sourced from four geological domains of interest within Area 4 was characterized by Mineral Technologies and treated though the Goschen Project mineral sands process flowsheet. The material used for the trial comprised drill sample retains generated during the 2019 drilling program. The material from Area 4 is not currently included in the Goschen Project footprint but will serve as a source of future feedstock. The testwork confirms the Area 4 material is amenable to processing through the flowsheet proposed for the Goschen Project and has significantly higher THM grades. The testwork demonstrated that material from Area 4 was successfully processed through the Goschen process flowsheet. Losses of recoverable valuable heavy minerals to the slimes was minimal as evidenced by good alignment between the distribution of titania (TiO2), zircon (ZrO2) and cerium (CeO2) to slimes when compared with the characterization
results.High recoveries of high value heavy minerals were observed across the gravity concentration circuit and is consistent with the use of shaking tables. Typical separation observed for Area 4 material.