Public limited liability company ("naamloze vennootschap". / "société anonyme") under Belgian law

Registered office at Avenue Reine Astrid 92A, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium Company number 0886.277.617

Register of Legal Entities Walloon Brabant



The Board of Directors of Unifiedpost Group SA/NV (the Company) has the honour of inviting its shareholders and holders of warrants to attend the ordinary general shareholders' meeting (the General Meeting), which will be held at Buzzynest, Avenue Reine Astrid 92A, La Hulpe, on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 19:00 (CET) to consider and vote on the items as listed in the agenda as set out below.

Applicable formalities are detailed at the end of this convening notice. Shareholders may, to the extent indicated, also use the ABN AMRO platform (https://www.abnamro.com/evoting) to complete all participation formalities and vote by proxy at the General Meeting.

Agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting

1. Communication of the Board of Directors' annual report and the statutory auditor's report on the statutory financial statements for the financial year closed on 31 December 2023.

Comment of the Board of Directors: pursuant to articles 3:5 and 3:6 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations, the Board of Directors has drafted an annual report in which it accounts for its management. Furthermore, the statutory auditor has drafted a detailed report in accordance with articles 3:74 and 3:75 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations. Both reports are available

for consultation on the websitehttps://investors.unifiedpostgroup.com/stock- information/shareholder-meeting?a6a709db_year%5Bvalue%5D=2024as from the date of this convening notice. These reports do not need to be approved by the shareholders.

2. Approval of the remuneration report as included in the annual report of the Board of Directors on the statutory financial statements closed on 31 December 2023.

Proposed resolution: approval of the remuneration report for the financial year closed on 31 December 2023.

3. Approval of the statutory financial statements closed on 31 December 2023 including the proposed allocation of the result.

Proposed resolution: approval of the statutory financial statements closed on 31 December 2023 showing a loss in the amount of EUR 54.402.487,68 and of the proposed allocation of the result of EUR 110.220.005,61 as losses carried forward.


4. Communication of the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year closed on 31 December 2023 as well as the annual report of the Board of Directors and the statutory auditor's report on those consolidated financial statements.

Comment of the Board of Directors: pursuant to article 3:32 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations, the Board of Directors has drafted a report on the 2023 consolidated financial statements. Furthermore, the statutory auditor has drafted a detailed report pursuant to article 3:80 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations. Both reports are available for consultation on the

websitehttps://investors.unifiedpostgroup.com/stock-information/shareholder-meeting?a6a709db_year%5Bvalue%5D=2024as from the date of this convening notice. These reports do not need to be approved by the shareholders.

5. Approval to grant discharge to the members of the Board of Directors.

Proposed resolution: approval to grant discharge to all members of the Board of Directors for the execution of their mandate for the financial year closed on 31 December 2023.

6. Approval to grant discharge to the statutory auditor.

Proposed resolution: approval to grant discharge to BDO Réviseurs D'Entreprises SRL (CBE 0431.088.289), represented by Mrs. Ellen Lombaerts, for the execution of its mandate as statutory auditor of the Company during the financial year closed on 31 December 2023.

7. Appointment of the commissioner responsible for the "assurance" of the CSRD sustainability report.

Proposed resolution: in accordance with the recommendation by the Board of Directors and upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, the appointment of BDO Réviseurs D'Entreprises SRL (CBE 0431.088.289), represented by Mrs. Ellen Lombaerts, responsible for the "assurance" of the sustainability report of the CSRD, for a period of one year.

8. Power of Attorney.

Proposed resolution: granting of a power of attorney to Mr. Mathias Baert and Mrs. Hilde Debontridder, choosing as address Avenue Reine Astrid 92A, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium, as extraordinary proxy holders, with the right to act individually and with powers of sub-delegation, to whom they grant the power, to represent the Company regarding the fulfilment of the filing and disclosure obligations as set out in the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations and all other applicable legislation. This power of attorney entails that the aforementioned extraordinary proxy holders may take all necessary and useful actions and sign all documents relating to these filing and disclosure obligations, including but not limited to filing the aforementioned decisions with the competent registry of the commercial court, with a view to publication thereof in the Annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette.

Use of ABN AMRO's eVoting platform

Shareholders who wish to do so can complete, as further detailed below, all participation formalities via ABN AMRO's eVoting platform (www.abnamro.com/evoting). This platform also enables shareholders to either vote by proxy prior to the General Meeting or to participate and exercise voting rights during the General Meeting.


Practical provisions

Voting and majority

Shareholders who have validly notified their participation in the General Meeting may vote at the meeting. Shareholders may vote (i) in advance in accordance with the instructions set down below, or (ii) where they have not voted in advance, vote during the meeting.

Each share shall have one vote. The proposed resolutions under items 1 to 8 of the agenda shall be passed if they are approved by a simple majority of 50% of the votes validly cast by the shareholders or their representatives.

Admission conditions

The right to attend the General Meeting and to exercise voting rights during such meeting shall be granted solely based on the administrative registration of the shares in the shareholder's name at 23:59:59 (CET) on 7 May 2024 at the latest, after processing of all entries and deletions as of that date, either (i) through the registration of the registered shares in the Company's shares register, or (ii) in the event of dematerialized shares, by their registration in the accounts of a certified account holder or intermediary, irrespective of the number of shares that the shareholder is holding on the actual date of the General Meeting. The time and date stated above are deemed to be the registration date.

In the event of dematerialized shares, the registration of such shares in the accounts of the relevant certified account holder or intermediary shall be proven through a certificate from the relevant certified account holder or intermediary stating how many dematerialized shares were registered in its accounts in the shareholder's name on the registration date.

The shareholders shall report on 15 May 2024 at 23:59:59 (CET) at the latest if they wish to participate in the General Meeting. This must be reported via (i) www.abnamro.com/evoting,(ii) by e-mail to secretary.general@unifiedpost.comor (iii) by letter to Unifiedpost Group SA, to the attention of Mathias Baert, Company Secretary, Avenue Reine Astrid 92A, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium. In the case of dematerialized shares, a statement must be provided by the intervention of a financial intermediary acting on the instruction of the shareholder via www.abnamro.com/intermediary. The intermediaries concerned need to submit a declaration before 16 May 2024 by 13:00 (CET) at the latest that the number of shares held by the participant on the record date and the registration of the shares were notified to ABN AMRO. In addition, the intermediaries are also requested to include the full address details of the relevant underlying shareholders in order to be able to verify in an efficient manner their holding on the record date.

When informing the Company of their intention to participate in the General Meeting in accordance with the previous paragraph, shareholders shall indicate the number of shares in the Company which

  1. were held by the represented shareholder at 23:59:59 (CET) on 7 May 2024, after processing of all entries and deletions as of that date, and (ii) with which they intend to vote at the General Meeting, including the name of the representative or intermediary and its contact details (phone number and e-mail).

Holders of warrants are permitted to attend the General Meeting (but not to vote) on the condition of compliance with the admission conditions applicable to shareholders.

The shareholders or their representatives or proxy holders or warrant holders who have fulfilled the


participation formalities and have indicated that they intend to physically attend the General Meeting will receive an access card via their financial intermediary in case of dematerialized shares or via ABN AMRO in case of registered shares.

The possibility of submitting agenda items and/or proposed resolutions

In accordance with article 7:130 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations, one or more shareholders that jointly hold at least 3% of the capital shall have the right to add items on the agenda of the General Meeting and to submit proposed resolutions concerning such (added) items on the agenda. Such requests are to be submitted by e-mail to secretary.general@unifiedpost.com, no later than on 29 April 2024. More detailed information on the conditions for making use of this option is available on the Company's website https://investors.unifiedpostgroup.com/stock- information/shareholder-meeting?a6a709db_year%5Bvalue%5D=2024.

On 6 May 2024 at the latest, the agenda, with any such additions, will be published in the Belgian Official Gazette, a national newspaper and a European-wide medium.

Right to ask questions

In accordance with article 7:139 of the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations, shareholders who complied with the above conditions for admission may submit questions in writing concerning the agenda items to the directors and/or the statutory auditor. Such questions are to be submitted by e- mail to secretary.general@unifiedpost.comor by letter to Unifiedpost Group SA, to the attention of Mathias Baert, Company Secretary, Avenue Reine Astrid 92A, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium and this no later than on 15 May 2024. It will also be possible for shareholders who are physically attending the General Meeting to ask questions during the General Meeting.

These questions, as well as the questions set forth by the shareholders during the General Meeting, will be answered in the course of the General Meeting by, depending on the case, the directors or the statutory auditor. The directors or, as the case may be, the statutory auditor will foresee a reasonable amount of time to answer any questions (+/- 1 hour). Insofar as the communication of data or facts is of a nature to be detrimental to the business interests of the Company or the confidentiality to which the director or Unifiedpost Group have committed themselves, the directors may refuse to answer such questions. The statutory auditor of the Company may also refuse to answer such questions if the communication of data or facts is of a nature to be detrimental to the business interests of the Company or the confidentiality to which the statutory auditor or Unifiedpost Group have committed themselves.

More detailed information on the right to ask questions is available on the Company website (www.unifiedpost.com).

Proxies and voting instructions

Shareholders who wish to be represented by a different person at the General Meeting can indicate this via www.abnamro.com/evotingor via their financial intermediary in case of dematerialized shares no later than 15 May 2024 at 17:00 (CET). In addition, shareholders can make use of the proxy form as prepared by the Board of Directors. This proxy form is available via the website of the Company https://investors.unifiedpostgroup.com/stock-information/shareholder-meeting?a6a709db_year%5Bvalue%5D=2024and (iii) the Company's registered office. This proxy must be filed at the Company's registered office, for the attention of the Board of Directors, or sent by


email to ava@nl.abnamro.com, in either case no later than at 17:00 (CET) on 15 May 2024.

In the event of any discrepancy between the different language versions of this convening notice and the other documents relating to the General Meeting, the French version will prevail.

Availability of documents

All documents relating to the General Meeting (including this convening notice and the aforementioned proxy form) which the law requires to make available to shareholders are accessible on the Company's website https://investors.unifiedpostgroup.com/stock-information/shareholder-meeting?a6a709db_year%5Bvalue%5D=2024as from 19 April 2024 in French and English.

Privacy notice

The Company is responsible for the processing of the personal data it receives from shareholders, holders of other securities issued by the Company (if any) and proxy holders in the context of the General Meeting of the shareholders in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. The processing of such personal data will in particular take place for the organization, analysis and management of the participation and voting procedure in relation to the General Meeting , in accordance with the applicable legislation and the Company's Privacy Policy available at https://www.unifiedpost.com/. These personal data will be transferred to third parties for the purpose of providing assistance in the management of participation and voting procedures, and for analyzing the composition of the shareholder base of the Company. The personal data will not be stored any longer than necessary in light of the aforementioned objectives. Shareholders, holders of other securities issued by the Company and proxy holders can find the Company's Privacy Policy on the Company's website. This Privacy Policy contains detailed information regarding the processing of the personal data of, among others, shareholders, holders of other securities issued by the Company and proxy holders, including the rights that they can assert towards the Company in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. The aforementioned can exercise their rights with regard to their personal data provided to the Company by contacting the Company's Data Protection Officer via gdpr@unifiedpost.com.

Contact details

Unifiedpost Group SA/NV

Public limited liability company ("naamloze vennootschap" / "société anonyme") under Belgian law with registered office at Avenue Reine Astrid 92A, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0886.277.617.

E-mail: secretary.general@unifiedpost.com.

Website: www.unifiedpost.com.



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Unifiedpost Group SA published this content on 18 April 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 19 April 2024 05:25:06 UTC.