Certain Ordinary Shares of Ulferts International Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 29-JAN-2019. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 368 days starting from 26-JAN-2018 to 29-JAN-2019. Details: Ulferts International Group Holdings Limited and Dr. Albert Yeung, jointly and severally, have agreed that they will not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of the shares or securities of the company owned by him/it or the relevant company, nominee or trustee immediately following the completion of the share offer within the first six-month period and second six-month period, with the prior written consent of Emperor Securities Limited. The covenantors have also agreed not to dispose of shares for a period of six month following the expiry of the first six month period if following such disposal, they cease to be controlling shareholder of the company.