604 page 1/2 15 July 2001

Form 604

Cof'lloratlons Ac2l 001

Sectlon 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

ID.. Company NameiScheme -r-P:,To mi( eia) s

ACNIARSN '2g 042. 21 5"

1.Detafls of substantlalholder(1}


ALa( eordo(

e.() 5

ACNAIRSN Qr appflcable}

There was a changeIn the inlerests of the substantlat holder on

The previous no!ice wasgiven to the company on 1 l l l'!>

The prevlous notlce was dated 'l:!> l l t.J

2. PreviOIS and present votlng power

The tolalnumber or votesattached toali thevoting sharesIn the company oc voting lnterestsIn the scherne thai the substanflahl older or an associate (2) had a relevant lnteresl(3) In whenlast requlred.andwhennowrequlred,togive a substanllalholdingnollce to thecompany or scheme.areas rollows:


Previous notice

Present nolice


Person·s votes

Votlnq POWer (5)

Person's vole

VolinqPOWer (5)

Ord;n ry

2bl O'bl- s

14- ·1 7Yo


J5 - lYo

3. Changes in relevant lnterests

Partci ual rsor eachchange in. or change in lhe natureor.a relevant intcresiof the substantialholder or anassociate involing securilies of lhe company or scheme.slnce the substantlahl older was last requlred to glve asubstantlalholding notlce to the company or scheme are as follows:


(4Ct't' t'

4. Present relevant interests

Parllculars or eachrelevantlnterest of the substantlalholder In vollng securllles after thechange are as follows:



604 page 212 15 July 2001

5. Changes In assoclaUon

The persons who have become associaeis (2) of.ceased to be assoclatesof,or have changed the natureof their associatlon(9) wlth,the substantlalholder Inrelatlon lo votlng tnterestsIn the company Of scheme are as follows:
Name and ACN/ARSN (lf applicable) Natll'e of association


'J l '

6. Addresses

The addressesof persons named In thls formare as follows:

A...Q" eo""Of --:st:-.{s


sign here


date 7t'-' an' 2O l


(1) lf there are a number of substantialholders wlth similar Of relatedrelevant lnterests (eg.a corporation andlts relaledcorporations.or the manager and trustee of an equlty trust).the names couldbe includedin an annexure to the form. lf the relevant interestsof a group of persons are essentially slmilar.they maybe referred to throughout the form as a speclflcally named group 1r the membershlp or each group,with the names and addresses of members ls clearly set out Inparagraph 6 or the

(2} See lhe definltlonor ·associatei·n section 9of theCorporations Acl2001.

(3} See the definlllon of ·relevant lnlerest" in sectlons 608 and 671B of lhe Corporallons Acl2001.
(4} The voting shares ora company constitute oneclassunless dfvldedlnto separateclasses.
(5} Theperson's votesdlvldedby the lotalvotesIn the body corporale Of scheme multipliedby100. (6} Includedetallsof:
(a} any relevant agreement Of olher clrcumstances because of which thechange Inrelevant lnterest OCCIJO'ed. tf subsection 6718(4) applles.a copy or any document settnl g out the termsof any relevant agreement. and a statement by the person glvlng full and accurate detalls of any contraci.scheme or arrangemenl. must accompany lhls forrn.togelher witha written statemenlcertlfying thiscontraci scheme or arrangement:and
(o} any quallncallon of the power or a person to exerclse.contro!the exerclse of.or lnful ence the exerclse or.the votlng powers Of dlsposalof thesecurltiesto whlchlhe relevanilnteresrl elatesOndlcatlng clearly the partlcular securltleslo whlch thequallflcatlon applles).
See the definltlon of ·relevant agreemenr in sectlon 9 of the Corpocalions Act 2001.
(7} Oetalls of the conslderatlonmusIinclude any andali beneflts.money andother.that any person frornwhom a relevant lnterest was acqulredhas. or may.becom·e entitied to receive inretatìon to that acquisition. Details roost be included evenif the benef l scondilionalon thehappening Of noiof a contìngency. Detailsmusibe lncluded of any benefit paid onbehalr or the substantlalholder or ltsassociateInretatlon to lhe acquistilons.evenif they are not paid direclly lo the personrrorn whom the retevantlnterest was acqulred.
(8} lf the substantiahl olderis nable lo determ ne the ldentity of the person (eg.lf lherelevantlnterest arises because of anoplion)wrlle "unknown". (9) Glvedelails.lf appropriate, or the presenlassoclatlon and any changeIn that associatlon slnce the last s bstanllalholding notlce.

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