Trillion Energy International Inc. announced the commencement of it's 3D seismic reprocessing project for SASB. The existing 3D seismic data covers 223 km2 and includes the SASB block. This old 3D seismic shot by WesternGeco in 2004 is good quality and was processed in 2004 with pre-stack time migration (PSTM).

Since 2004, vast improvements in seismic data processing algorithms have occurred. As SASB has very complex geology, reprocessing with advanced pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) and incorporating time depth data from wells drilled since the old PSTM model was created will create a superior model. Uses of the new PSDM seismic velocity model will include: Obtain a more detailed and accurate mapping of individual gas reservoir units, provide better imaging of the gas trapping faults and superior structural maps; Further identify and define stratigraphic exploration gas prospects (to which there are many on SASB), but which have never been drilled; Mapping the deeper Cretaceous Akveren Formation ‘CAF', which has never been explored, but which contains tantalizing deeper anomalies based on the old PSTM model.

Onshore proximate to SASB, there are many oil and gas seeps originating and contained within the Cretaceous sediments. The data reprocessing is scheduled to commence early March 2023 and is anticipated to take five to six months to complete.