Tele Atlas Reports First Quarter Revenue of ?58.8 million
's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands,  April 29,  2008 -  Tele Atlas  NV
(FSE: TA6, EUNV: TA), a leading  global provider of digital maps  and
dynamic content for  navigation and location  based solutions,  today
reported results for the first quarter of 2008.

  * Revenues decreased 8% over the same period last year to ?58.8
    million (Q1 2007: ?64.0 million). After adjusting for effects of
    changes in exchange rates, revenues decreased by 4%.
  * Portable navigation revenues in Americas increased 52% over the
    same quarter in 2007. Overall, portable navigation revenues
    decreased 17% over the same quarter in 2007.
  * Adjusted EBITDA decreased 103% over the same period in the prior
    year to ?-0.2 million (Q1 2007: ?5.1 million).
  * A net loss of ?14.5 million including the impact of ?2.1 million
    costs related to the proposed TomTom transaction was reported
    compared to a loss of ?8.4  million during the same quarter last

Key Figures

| In millions of Euros, except       |         |         |          |
| otherwise noted                    | Q1 2008 | Q1 2007 | % Change |
| Revenues                           |    58.8 |  64.0   |     (8%) |
| Adjusted EBITDA[1]                 |   (0.2) |   5.1   |   (104%) |
| Operating result (EBIT)            |  (16.6) | (10.2)  |    (63%) |
| Net result                         |  (14.5) |  (8.4)  |    (73%) |
| Average number of employees        |   1,944 |  1,612  |      21% |
| Earnings per share (in ?)          |  (0.16) | (0.09)  |    (78%) |

[1] Adjusted EBITDA is the operating result before capitalization,
depreciation and amortization, costs related to Share-based Payments
and before transaction costs related to the proposed TomTom
Alain De  Taeye,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  said:  "Although  lower
revenues  from  our  customers   active  in  the  European   portable
navigation market and unfavorable  exchange rate changes resulted  in
overall lower  revenues,  the  North  American  market  for  portable
navigation solutions continued to grow at a fast pace. If the pending
TomTom transaction closes, which is, inter alia, subject to obtaining
approval from the  European Commission,  we expect  to be  in a  good
position to  rapidly  introduce a  broad  range of  new  products  in
response to growing market demands."
Financial Highlights
Tele Atlas' revenues for  the first quarter of  2008 decreased 8%  to
?58.8 million compared to ?64.0 million in the same period last year.
Revenues decreased 4%, after adjusting  for a ?2.4 million effect  of
currency exchange rate changes. EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
revenues for the quarter decreased 15%  over the prior year to  ?37.7
million, mainly as a result of reductions in inventory levels by  our
customers' customers and lower per unit prices. Americas revenues for
the first quarter decreased 3% from the prior year to ?17.5  million,
primarily due  to changes  in the  currency exchange  rate.  Americas
revenues grew 10% after adjusting for the effect of currency exchange
rates changes. Asia Pacific (APAC) revenues for the quarter increased
128% over the prior year to ?3.6 million.
Revenues Per Segment[1]
(In thousands of Euros)

|               |           3 months ended           |           3 months ended           |
|               |           March 31, 2008           |           March 31, 2007           |
|               |  EMEA  | Americas | APAC  | Total  |  EMEA  | Americas | APAC  | Total  |
|Portable       |        |          |       |        |        |          |       |        |
|navigation     |  18,562|     7,615|    500|  26,677|  27,230|     5,002|     15|  32,247|
|Automotive     |        |          |       |        |        |          |       |        |
|navigation     |   7,429|     2,817|    584|  10,830|   8,270|     2,774|    485|  11,529|
|Data products  |        |          |       |        |        |          |       |        |
|navigation     |   3,462|         -|    216|   3,678|   4,248|        46|     42|   4,336|
|Enterprise and |        |          |       |        |        |          |       |        |
|government     |   2,403|     7,487|      -|   9,890|   2,057|     9,371|      -|  11,428|
|Other segments |   4,340|     2,116|  1,238|   7,694|   2,057|     2,432|      -|   4,489|
|               |  36,196|    20,035|  2,538|  58,769|  43,862|    19,625|    542|  64,029|
|Intra-company  |        |          |       |        |        |          |       |        |
|Commissions    |   1,477|   (2,568)|  1,091|       -|     541|   (1,588)|  1,047|       -|
|Net Revenue    |        |          |       |        |        |          |       |        |
|Total          |  37,673|    17,467|  3,629|  58,769|  44,403|    18,037|  1,589|  64,029|

[1]  Segment revenues reflect revenues by database area.
Intra-company commissions are for customer and technical support
among areas.
Portable Navigation
During the first quarter of 2008, worldwide revenues in the  portable
navigation segment decreased by 17% over the same period in the prior
year to ?26.7  million. Revenues  in the segment  declined 14%  after
adjusting for  a  ?1.1  million  effect  of  currency  exchange  rate
changes. First quarter segment revenues  in 2008 reflect map  license
fees from the sale of 2.9   million portable navigation units  during
the quarter  as compared  to 2.3  million units  in the  same  period
during the previous year. EMEA  portable navigation revenues for  the
quarter were ?18.6 million,  a decrease of 32%  over the same  period
last year. Americas portable  navigation revenues were ?7.6  million,
an increase of 52%  over the same period  last year (a 73%  increase,
excluding exchange  rate  effect). The  difference  between  portable
navigation unit and revenue growth rates resulted from lower  average
map prices as compared to the same period in 2007.
Automotive Navigation
Revenues in the automotive segment for the quarter decreased 6%  from
the same quarter the prior year to ?10.8 million. After adjusting for
the effects of changes in currency exchange rate, revenues  decreased
by 3%. Worldwide, the  number of map licenses  sold by Tele Atlas  in
the automotive segment remained flat  at 0.5 million units,  compared
to the same period last year. EMEA revenues in this segment was  ?7.4
million, a 10% decrease from the same period in the prior year.  This
change was  primarily  the result  of  the  loss of  the  VW  midline
business by  one of  our  customers. Americas  automotive  navigation
revenues increased by 2%  to ?2.8 million.  After adjustment for  the
effects of  changes  in  exchange rates,  the  increase  in  Americas
automotive revenue was 16%.
Data Products Navigation
First quarter  worldwide revenues  from navigation  data products,  a
segment that today exists primarily in EMEA, decreased by 15% to ?3.7
million compared to ?4.3 million the same period last year due to the
continued decrease  in  the  installed base  of  CD-based  automotive
navigation systems.
Enterprise and Government
First quarter worldwide revenues  from the enterprise and  government
sectors decreased 13% to ?9.9  million from ?11.4 million during  the
same period last year.  Revenues decreased 4%  after adjusting for  a
?1.0 million  effect  of  currency exchange  rate  changes.  Americas
revenues in this segment decreased by 20% to ?7.5 million compared to
last year  (a 9%  decrease, excluding  exchange rate  effects).  EMEA
revenues in this segment was ?2.4 million compared to ?2.1 million in
the same  quarter last  year. We  expect that  the decline  in  sales
caused by timing differences in revenues recognition will be made  up
throughout the remainder of 2008.
Other Segments
Revenues in the other segments,  consisting of consumer wireless  and
Internet segments, increased by 71% to ?7.7 million compared to  ?4.5
million during the same period last year, principally as a result  of
strong growth in the consumer wireless segment in the EMEA region.
Operating Expenses
Operating  expenses   excluding  cost   of  revenues,   depreciation,
amortization, merger transaction  costs, capitalization and  employee
stock option expense ("Adjusted Operating Expenses"), increased by 2%
to ?53.7 million for the first quarter of 2007 from ?52.5 million  in
the same period in 2007. Excluding the effect of changes in  exchange
rates, Adjusted Operating  Expenses increased  by 8%  largely due  to
primarily an increase in cost of personnel and outsourcing costs.
Cost of  revenues decreased  by  19% to  ?5.2  million in  the  first
quarter from ?6.4 million in the first quarter of 2007.
Including employee stock  option expense, personnel  expenses in  the
first quarter of 2008 were ?33.6  million, a 5% decrease compared  to
the same period last year. Expense related to share based payments in
the first quarter of 2008 was  ?2.7 million compared to ?5.2  million
during the same period  in 2007, due to  the reduced number of  stock
option grants.  Excluding employee  stock option  expense,  personnel
expenses in  the first  quarter  of 2008  increased  by 2%  to  ?30.9
million, from  ?30.1 million  in 2007  as a  result of  an  increased
number of  employees, including  temporary personnel.  The  increased
number of  employees is  partly due  to the  acquisition activity  in
Taiwan, Thailand and  South Africa  and demands  associated with  the
Company's growing business.  Adjusted for  the effect  of changes  in
exchange  rates,  personnel  expenses  for  the  quarter,   excluding
employee stock option expense, increased by 8% year over year.
Other operating expenses  during the  quarter, excluding  transaction
costs in  the quarter  related  to the  proposed acquisition  of  the
Company by TomTom N.V., increased by  2% to ?22.9 million from  ?22.3
million in  the same  period  during 2007.  Excluding the  effect  of
changes in exchange rates, other operating expenses increased 6%. The
Company incurred  higher outsourcing  costs  and increases  in  other
costs. These increases were partially  offset by lower costs for  bad
debts. Transaction  costs  related  to the  proposed  acquisition  by
TomTom are excluded from the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA.
Net Result
Earnings before  interest, taxes,  depreciation, amortization,  share
based payments and  capitalization of database  and tool  development
costs and before  transaction costs  related to  the proposed  TomTom
transaction (Adjusted EBITDA) for the first quarter of 2008 decreased
by 103% to a loss of ?0.2  million from a profit of ?5.1 million  for
the same  period  last year.  Adjusted  EBITDA for  the  EMEA  region
decreased 32% to ?13.6 million for the first quarter of 2008 compared
to ?19.9  million  for the  first  quarter of  2007  as a  result  of
decreased sales revenues. Adjusted EBITDA for the Americas  decreased
to ?2.2 million in the first quarter of 2008 from ?2.9 million in the
same quarter during 2007. First quarter 2008 Adjusted EBITDA for APAC
was break even versus a loss of  ?2.3 million in the same quarter  in
2007. In addition, our corporate segment which includes all corporate
technology, marketing and other support activities incurred costs  of
?15.9 million, as  compared to  costs of  ?15.4 million  in the  same
quarter in 2007.
The consolidated  operating  result  (EBIT)  for  the  first  quarter
decreased by 63% over the  same period last year  to a loss of  ?16.6
million, as  a  result of  lower  Adjusted EBITDA.  Depreciation  and
amortization charges increased  by 15% as  a result of  the costs  of
amortization  of  databases   and  other   assets  acquired   through
transactions in Taiwan, Thailand and South Africa.
Net financial  income, including  interest paid  and received,  along
with other  financing charges,  amounted to  a gain  of ?2.3  million
during the first  quarter of 2008,  compared to ?1.6  million in  the
same period of last year.
Tax income for the quarter was  ?0.3 million as compared to a  charge
of ?0.5 million in the first quarter of 2008.
Tele Atlas' consolidated after tax net loss during the first  quarter
of 2008 was ?14.5 million, compared  with a net loss of ?8.4  million
for the same period in 2007.
Cash Flow
Overall cash flow from operating activities for the first quarter  of
2008 increased to  an inflow  of ?23.1  million as  compared to  ?9.6
million during the same period during  2007 primarily as a result  of
changes in working capital.
Cash outflow from investing activities, which included investments in
tangible fixed assets of ?1.2  million and capitalized databases  and
tools of  ?3.3 million,  decreased  from ?6.5  million in  the  first
quarter of 2007 to ?6.2 million in the same period in 2008.
As of March 31,  2008 Tele Atlas employed  1,944 full time  employees
worldwide (December 31, 2007: 1,889).
First Quarter Operational Highlights
Portable Navigation
ASUSTek Computer Inc. (ASUS),  Taiwan-based producer of high  quality
handhelds, announced that it will launch its new navigation solutions
for portable navigation devices, GPS phones and portable PCs based on
Tele Atlas digital maps. The new ASUS portable navigation devices and
GPS-enabled smartphones  will feature  Tele  Atlas digital  maps  for
Europe; with additional  devices planned to  feature Tele Atlas  maps
and content for Greater China and the United States.
AvMap, an Italian GPS company, presented the new Geosat 6 TV.  Geosat
6 TV is a Do-It-All Portable Navigation Device (PND) featuring  DVB-T
(Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) and DVB-H TV on the  move,
connected navigation,  a tri-band  GSM  phone and  multimedia  player
Tele Atlas is  targeting the growing  market for pedestrian  services
with attributes designed  to help mobile  consumers better  navigate,
route and explore the places they're  visiting at home or abroad.  At
Mobile World Congress Tele Atlas showed its first demo of maps  based
on  Tele  Atlas  data  designed  for  pedestrians.  Tele  Atlas  maps
featuring  pedestrian-specific  attributes   are  available  for   18
countries  (Austria,  Belgium,  Czech  Republic,  Denmark,   Finland,
France, Germany,  Greece,  Ireland, Italy,  Luxembourg,  Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).
This includes  pedestrian attributes  for 117  cities across  Europe,
with an average of 80km of paths and roadways in each city centre  to
help pedestrians get to their destination via the shortest accessible
route possible.
Tele Atlas  showcased its  3D (three  dimensional) digital  maps  and
content at the  Consumer Electronics Show  2008 (CES).  Demonstrating
continued commitment to innovation in display enhancements worldwide,
the company will make  available the first Tele  Atlas® 3D City  Maps
for North America  for use in  navigation systems and  location-based
applications in the second quarter of 2008.
Automotive Navigation
In the  first quarter,  Tele  Atlas won  several projects  for  truck
specific navigation systems which will launch later in 2008 using our
European MultiNet  Logistics database.  In addition,  Tele Atlas  was
awarded a project to  supply South East Asia  data to a large  German
car  manufacturer  via  one  of  Tele  Atlas'  In-Vehicle  Navigation
Partners as well as a project to  supply China data to a Chinese  car
manufacturer. Both  these  projects are  via  one of  our  in-vehicle
navigation partners.
Enterprise and Government
Tele Atlas announced  that it will  provide its digital  map data  to
help power the  distribution of Valassis'  broad portfolio of  direct
mail, electronic,  door-to-door  and  newspaper  marketing  services.
Through  the  agreement,  Valassis  will  leverage  the  Tele  Atlas®
MultiNet digital map platform for  its RedPlum portfolio of  products
based on custom carrier route boundary solutions. RedPlum's  products
reach over 100  million households each  week. In addition,  Valassis
also will begin  providing custom Carrier  Route Boundaries based  on
Tele Atlas digital maps.
Tele Atlas  intends to  expand coverage  of Tele  Atlas MultiNet  for
Oracle® Database  11g, with  North  America map  data of  the  United
States and  Canada, demonstrating  the  company's commitment  to  the
Oracle community.  MultiNet for  Oracle Spatial  11g is  designed  to
allow Tele  Atlas  partners to  incorporate  the extensive  suite  of
Oracle spatial  capabilities into  their  applications and  to  speed
application  deployment   with   prebuilt   routing   and   geocoding
functionality. In combination  with the location  features in  Oracle
Database 11g,  a wide  range of  applications can  be deployed  using
MultiNet digital map data, ranging from automated  mapping/facilities
management and  geographic  information systems  (GIS),  to  wireless
location services and location-enabled Business Intelligence.
Tele  Atlas  announced  an   agreement  whereby  the  United   States
Geological Survey (USGS) will leverage Tele Atlas digital map data to
help develop internal USGS mapping  operations solutions and for  use
within the USGS Web Locator application  for the display of maps  and
geocoded addresses.  Through the  agreement,  the USGS  will  deliver
Web-based 1:24,000-scale maps  containing the U.S.  National Grid  in
conjunction with Tele Atlas map data,  to support the efforts of  the
USGS serving the emergency and first responder communities.
Maponics, a nationwide map data and services provider, and Tele Atlas
announced an agreement whereby Maponics  will use Tele Atlas  digital
map data to  support production of  USPS ZIP Code  and carrier  route
boundaries. Using a proprietary data-intensive process that leverages
Tele Atlas  digital street  map  data, Maponics  is able  to  provide
direct marketers  with clean  carrier  route boundaries  that  follow
Internet and Wireless
In the first quarter, Tele Atlas announced an agreement to extend its
relationship with  Microsoft Corporation  to  power its  mapping  and
location platform services. Through the agreement, Microsoft products
Live Search Maps, Virtual  Earth and Microsoft  Streets & Trips  will
rely on  Tele Atlas  digital maps  and content,  including points  of
interest (POIs) such as hotels, gas stations and restaurants, for the
United States and Canada.
Update on acquisition by TomTom
Tele Atlas is looking forward to  a positive outcome of the Phase  II
review by the European  Commission. As announced  by the joint  press
release of TomTom and  Tele Atlas of 27  March 2008, a decision  from
the European  Commission  is  currently  expected  on  21  May  2008.
Allowing for additional days after the decision for the  shareholders
of Tele Atlas to  tender the shares that  have not yet been  tendered
under the Offer, TomTom has  set the end of  the tender period at  30
May 2008.
Full Year 2008 Outlook
At the time of this writing,  the proposed purchase of Tele Atlas  by
TomTom remains under  review by the  European Commission  competition
authorities. We are not able at this time to assess the effect of the
proposed purchase on  periods after the  closing of the  transaction.
The following guidance has been developed on the basis of Tele  Atlas
as a standalone independent company.
With this assumption and  based on the 2007  results and our  current
expectations  for   2008,  we   estimate   revenues  will   grow   to
approximately ?335 million during 2008 and Adjusted EBITDA will  grow
to approximately ?70 million. This outlook has been reduced from  our
previous guidance  due  to weakness  in  revenue from  our  customers
active in the European Portable navigation market.
This outlook includes the  impact of the  Taiwan, Thailand and  South
Africa transactions  which  were concluded  in  2007 and  the  Indian
transaction completed this year. All together, these transactions are
expected to increase 2008  revenues by ?6  million and increase  2008
Adjusted EBITDA by ?1 million
The Company's expenditures  for property and  equipment for 2008  are
expected  to  be  approximately  ?15  million  and  working   capital
requirements for  accounts receivables  are expected  to increase  in
proportion to the expected increase in revenues.
This outlook  excludes the  impact of  unforeseen circumstances,  the
potential  TomTom  acquisition   as  well  as   the  impact  of   any
acquisitions other than the ones discussed above.
Subsequent  to  2008,  our  current  expectation  is  that,   barring
unforeseen circumstances, we can grow revenues in excess of 20% on an
annual basis for the next several years and that our Adjusted  EBITDA
for each  year  will increase  by  approximately 50%  of  incremental
For more information, please contact:
Jan Wirken
Investor Relations Manager, Tele Atlas NV
Phone: + 31 736 402 160
Due to the pending transaction with TomTom, Tele Atlas will not host
a conference call relating to the first quarter results. A
presentation summarizing the results will be posted on the company's
web site.
Ticker Symbols
ISIN: NL0000233948
Eurolist by Euronext Symbol: TA
Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (TecDax) Symbol: TA6
WKN: 927101
About Tele Atlas
Tele Atlas delivers the digital  maps and dynamic content that  power
some of  the world's  most  essential navigation  and  location-based
services (LBS). The information is the foundation for a wide range of
portable and in-car  navigation systems and  mobile and Internet  map
applications that help users find  the people, places, products,  and
services they need, wherever  they are. The  company also works  with
business partners who trust its digital map data to deliver  critical
applications  for  emergency,  business,  fleet,  and  infrastructure
services. Through a combination of its own products and partnerships,
Tele Atlas offers digital map coverage of more than 200 countries and
territories worldwide. The company was founded in 1984 and today  has
approximately 2,500  full-time staff  and contract  cartographers  at
offices  in  24  countries  and  uses  a  sophisticated  network   of
professional drivers, mobile mapping vans, and more than 50,000  data
resources to  deliver highly  accurate and  up-to-date digital  maps.
Tele Atlas is  listed on the  Frankfurt Stock Exchange  (TA6) and  on
Euronext   Amsterdam    (TA).    For    more    information,    visit
This press release includes an announcement of Tele Atlas pursuant to
the provisions  of section  9b paragraph  1 of  the Dutch  Securities
Markets Supervision  Decree  1995 (Besluit  toezicht  effectenverkeer
1995) in connection with the  recommended public offer by TomTom  for
all outstanding  shares  in the  share  capital of  Tele  Atlas  (the
"Shares") (the "Offer").  This press release  does not constitute  an
offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell shares.  Any
offer will  be made  only  by means  of  the Offer  Memorandum  dated
October 2,  2007  November 18,  2007  ("Offer Memorandum").  Not  for
release,  distribution  or  publication,  in  whole  or  in  part  to
Australia, Canada or Japan.
The Offer is not being made, and the Shares will not be accepted  for
purchase from or on behalf of any Shareholder, in any jurisdiction in
which the making  or acceptance  thereof would not  be in  compliance
with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction
or would  require  any  registration, approval  or  filing  with  any
regulatory authority not expressly contemplated by the terms of  this
Offer Memorandum. Persons obtaining the Offer Memorandum are required
to take due  note and observe  all such restrictions  and obtain  any
necessary authorisations, approvals or consents. Neither TomTom,  nor
Tele Atlas, nor any of their  advisers accepts any liability for  any
violation  by  any  person  of  any  such  restriction.  Any   person
(including, without  limitation, custodians,  nominees and  trustees)
who would or otherwise intend to forward the Offer Memorandum or  any
related document to any  jurisdiction outside The Netherlands  should
carefully read Section 1 (Restrictions and Important Information)  of
the Offer Memorandum  before taking any  action. The distribution  of
the Offer Memorandum in jurisdictions other than The Netherlands  may
be restricted by law and therefore persons into whose possession  the
Offer Memorandum  comes should  inform themselves  about and  observe
such restrictions. Any failure to  comply with any such  restrictions
may constitute a violation of the law of any such jurisdiction.
Forward Looking Statements
This  release  contains  certain  forward-looking  statements.  These
forward-looking statements are  not historical facts  but rather  are
based on current  expectations, estimates and  projections about  the
industry, the Company's  beliefs and its  assumptions. Words such  as
"anticipates," "expects," "intends," "outlook," "plans,"  "believes,"
"seeks," "may," "will," "should"  and "estimates," and variations  of
these  words  and  similar  expressions,  are  intended  to  identify
forward-looking statements. These  statements are  not guarantees  of
future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and  other
factors,  some  of  which  are  beyond  the  Company's  control,  are
difficult to  predict  and  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ
materially  from  those  expressed,   implied  or  forecast  in   the
forward-looking statements. In  addition, the forward-looking  events
discussed in  this press  release might  not occur.  These risks  and
uncertainties include, among others, those set forth herein and under
"Risk Profile"  in  the Company's  2007  annual report.  Readers  are
cautioned not  to  place  undue  reliance  on  these  forward-looking
statements.  Readers  should  read   this  press  release  with   the
understanding that actual future results and events may be materially
different from what we currently expect. There are no assurances that
any of the  matters about which  forward-looking statements are  made
will occur.  The forward-looking  statements included  in this  press
release reflect Tele Atlas' views and assumptions only as of the date
of this press release. The Company undertakes no obligation to update
any  forward-looking   statement,  whether   as  a   result  of   new
information, future events or otherwise.
Tele Atlas  and the  Tele Atlas  logo are  registered trademarks  and
trade names of Tele Atlas N.V.  Other trademarks and trade names  are
the property of the owners of those trademarks and trade names.
The press release can be downloaded from the following link:

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