Neckarsulm, Germany, 27 February 2013 - TDS ( now offers the ideal entry into the world of mobile enterprise applications - one-stop solutions available for a fixed price. With these new mobility starter packages, you can rapidly and cost-effectively tap into all the benefits of mobile applications and business processes. Choose from four options designed to meet various needs: SAP BusinessObjects Mobile (from 3,000 euros), Sybase Unwired Platform (from 7,500 euros), SAP NetWeaver Portal (from 8,000 euros) and Mobile Device Management (from 3,500 euros). What's more, TDS offers intensive workshops to help you develop a company-specific mobility strategy, define deployment scenarios and consider implementation options - also at a fixed price.

The mobility starter packages at a glance:

  • SAP NetWeaver Portal on Device allows enterprises to mobilise SAP data without additional licences, making key information available on the go. There's no need for significant modification and it's platform-independent thanks to HTML5. You can use your SAP NetWeaver portal from all mobile devices via a browser.
  • SAP BusinessObjects Mobile enables rapid implementation of a mobile reporting solution based on SAP BusinessObjects. The mobile use of tools like SAP Business Explorer, SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio, SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, SAP Crystal Software plus various online- and/or offline scenarios are included in the package.
  • Sybase Unwired Platform supports the introduction of new mobile apps. Integrated with SAP back-end systems, your company-specific business processes can be made available on the go, quickly and simply - from recording working hours and approvals in HR to service order management in CRM to accessing and managing sales data and supporting purchase order workflows.
  • Professional Mobile Device Management (MDM) - for example with SAP Afaria - lays the foundation for a successful mobility strategy. MDM helps roll out applications across all devices and implement security and compliance requirements company-wide. At the same time, it slashes the time spent on support. The MDM package also assists you in creating corresponding security policies and introducing mobile devices step by step.

These packages enable customers to benefit from best practices, the extensive experience of TDS consultants, and the end-to-end portfolio of TDS and its parent company, Fujitsu ( More information on the packages, including details of the services included, is available at

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