TBO Tek Limited has completed an IPO in the amount of INR 15.508093 billion.

Security Name: Equity Shares
Security Type: Common Stock
Securities Offered: 5,047,205
PriceRange: INR 920
Discount Per Security: INR 27.324

Security Name: Equity Shares
Security Type: Common Stock
Securities Offered: 7,570,807
PriceRange: INR 920
Discount Per Security: INR 27.324

Security Name: Equity Shares
Security Type: Common Stock
Securities Offered: 2,523,602
PriceRange: INR 920
Discount Per Security: INR 27.324

Security Name: Equity Shares
Security Type: Common Stock
Securities Offered: 1,715,009
PriceRange: INR 920
Discount Per Security: INR 27.324

Transaction Features: Regulation S; Reserved Share Offering; Sponsor Backed Offering