Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

(Stock Exchange Code 4994) June 7, 2024 (Date of commencement of electronic provision measures: May 31, 2024)

To Shareholders with Voting Rights:

Tadashi Hasebe


Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd.


Shiraoka, Saitama, Japan


Dear Shareholders:

We would like to express our appreciation for your continued support and patronage.

Please be informed that the 59th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd. (the "Company") will be held as described below.

When convening this General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company has taken measures for providing information in electronic format (the "electronic provision measures") and has posted matters subject to the electronic provision measures on the following websites on the Internet.

- The Company website: (Japanese only)

In addition to the website above, the Company also has posted this information on the following website.

- Tokyo Stock Exchange website: https://

To view the information, please access the website above, input the Company name or stock exchange code, and click "Search." Then, click on "Basic information" and "Documents for public inspection/PR information" in this order.

You can exercise your voting rights in advance in writing or via the Internet, etc. Please review the Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders in the matters subject to the electronic provision measures, and exercise your voting rights by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Japan time.

1. Date and Time: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Japan time

2. Place:

Conference room at Headquarters, the 1st factory of Shiraoka of Taisei Lamick

Co., Ltd.

873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka, Saitama, Japan

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3. Meeting Agenda:

Matters to be reported: 1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements for the Company's 59th

Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024) and results of audits by the

Accounting Auditor and the Board of Corporate Auditors of the Consolidated

Financial Statements

2. Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the Company's 59th Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024)

Proposals to be resolved:

Proposal No. 1: Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal No. 2: Approval of the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement

Proposal No. 3: Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

Proposal No. 4: Election of Eight (8) Directors

Proposal No. 5: Election of Two (2) Corporate Auditors

4. Others

If any amendments are made to matters subject to the electronic provision measures, such amendments will be posted on the respective websites where the matters are posted.

In the event that there is no indication of being for or against each proposal in the Voting Rights Exercise Form, it will be handled as an indication of approval.

If you exercise your voting rights both in writing and via the Internet, etc., only the exercise of voting rights via the Internet, etc. will be valid.

If you exercise your voting rights multiple times via the Internet, etc., only the last vote will be valid.

If you are exercising your voting rights by proxy, you may designate one (1) other shareholder with voting rights to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders as your proxy. However, please note that the proxy will be required to submit certification verifying authority thereof.

The paper copy delivered also serves as the paper copy stating the matters subject to the electronic provision measures to be delivered upon request for delivery of documents. The following matters will not be provided in the paper copy, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and Article 14 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company. Accordingly, the paper copy constitutes only part of the documents audited by Corporate Auditors and the Accounting Auditor when preparing their audit reports, and its page numbers, section numbers, and reference pages are identical to those of the paper copy stating the matters subject to the electronic provision measures.

  • Principle Offices and Factories in the Matters Concerning the Current Status of the Group
  • Outside Officers in the Matters Concerning Corporate Officers
  • Status of the Accounting Auditor
  • System to Ensure the Appropriateness of Operations and the Operational Status of the System
  • Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
  • Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Non-ConsolidatedBalance Sheets
  • Non-ConsolidatedStatements of Income
  • Non-ConsolidatedStatements of Changes in Equity
  • Notes to the Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposals and References

Proposal No. 1: Appropriation of Surplus

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The Company considers the return of profits to shareholders as an important management policy, and its basic policy is to provide stable and continuous dividends with consideration of business results and future business expansion, etc.

Matters concerning year-end dividends

Based on the above policy, the Company proposes the following year-end dividends for the 59th fiscal year, in consideration of business results for the fiscal year under review and future business expansion, etc.

  1. Type of dividend property Cash
  2. Matters concerning the allotment of dividend property to shareholders and the total amount 37 yen per share of common stock, for a total of 235,974,974 yen
    (Note) Annual dividends, including the interim dividend, amount to 70 yen per share.
  3. Effective date of distribution of surplus June 27, 2024

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Proposal No. 2: Approval of the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement

To shift to a holding company structure through a company split (absorption-type company split), the Company concluded an absorption-type company split agreement (hereinafter referred to as collectively or individually the "Absorption-type Company Split Agreement", and an absorption-type company split based on the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement shall be referred to as collectively or individually the "Absorption-type Company Split") on May 13, 2024, with "Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing Business Split Preparation Company, Incorporated" to succeed the rights and obligations related to the Company's business of development and manufacturing of liquid packaging film, and with "Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery Manufacturing Split Preparation Company, Incorporated" to succeed the rights and obligations related to the Company's business of sales of liquid packaging film and development, manufacture, and sales of liquid filling machinery. Both "Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing Business Split Preparation Company, Incorporated" and "Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery Manufacturing Split Preparation Company, Incorporated" are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company and both companies will be the succeeding companies in the Absorption-type Company Split.

This proposal is to request approval for the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement.

The effective date of the Absorption-type Company Split is scheduled to be April 1, 2025, and the Company plans to change its trade name to "Taisei Lamick Group Head Quarter & Innovation Co., Ltd." on the same date.

After the transition to a holding company structure, the Company intends to remain listed as a holding company that will continue to manage the operations of Group companies.

1. Reason for Absorption-type Company Split

In the field of liquid packaging, the Taisei Lamick Group (the "Group") has developed its business with the mission to continue to provide products and services for "safety, security, and convenience" and "realization of a sustainable society" with the expertise earned through tireless research and practice. With drastic changes in the business environment expected to continue in the future, the Group has concluded that a transition to a holding company structure is the most appropriate way to further increase corporate value and establish a management foundation that will support the achievement of sustainable growth, and has therefore decided to implement the Absorption-type Company Split.

By transitioning to a holding company structure and pursuing the following objectives, the Group aims to strengthen its group management structure and further enhance its corporate value.

  1. Strengthen the Group's strategic functions
    By shifting to a holding company structure, we aim to strengthen the Group's management strategy functions through the establishment of an organizational structure that allows us not only to evolve existing businesses but also to implement initiatives including new business creation strategically and flexibly.
  2. Demonstrate value creation capabilities in each business
    Based on the Group management strategy, we will speed up decision-making by delegating authority and responsibility to operating companies and further strengthen our capabilities to create new products and services that meet increasingly growing needs.
  3. Secure and develop management personnel
    In addition to securing management personnel who will be responsible for future growth strategies of the Group, we aim to improve the value of the entire Group's human resources by developing excellent management personnel through management experience at operating companies.

2. Outline of the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement

The details of the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement that the Company concluded with each succeeding company in the absorption-type company split are as follows.

  1. Absorption-typeCompany Split Agreement (Copy) (Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing Business Split Preparation Company, Incorporated)
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Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing Business Split Preparation Company, Incorporated
873-1 Shimo-Ohsaki,Shiraoka, Saitama, Japan

Absorption-type Company Split Agreement

This Absorption-type Company Split Agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd. (splitting company, hereinafter "Taisei Lamick") and Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing Business Split Preparation Company, Incorporated, (succeeding company, hereinafter the "Preparatory Company") as follows with respect to the absorption-type company split (hereinafter the "Absorption-type Company Split") whereby the rights and obligations in Taisei Lamick's business are to be succeeded to the Preparatory Company.

Article 1 (Absorption-type Company Split)

  1. Pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, Taisei Lamick shall cause the Preparatory Company to succeed its rights and obligations regarding the business of development and manufacturing of liquid packaging film (hereinafter the "Business") through the Absorption-type Company Split, and the Preparatory Company shall succeed them.
  2. The trade names and addresses of the parties to the Agreement shall be as described follows:

(1) Splitting company: Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd.

Trade name:

Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd. (The trade name is scheduled to be changed to

"Taisei Lamick Group Head Quarter & Innovation Co., Ltd" as of April 1,



873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka, Saitama, Japan

(2) Succeeding company: Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing Business Split Preparation Company, Incorporated

Trade name:


Article 2 (Effective Date)

The effective date of the Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter the "Effective Date") shall be April 1, 2025 at midnight; provided, however, that the date may be changed upon mutual consultation between the parties to the Agreement and in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act when necessary due to the progress of proceedings.

Article 3 (Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded)

  1. The rights and obligations of Taisei Lamick which the Preparatory Company succeeds through the Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter the "Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded") are described in Exhibit "Schedule of Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded."
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, any of the Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded may be excluded from the rights and obligations to be succeeded upon consultation between Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company if (i) such rights and obligations are not permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded through the Absorption-type Company Split, (ii) any significant obstacle occurs or may occur based on contractual provisions concerning succession through the Absorption-type Company Split, or (iii) such rights and obligations are agreed upon to be excluded by Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company.
  3. With respect to the liabilities to be succeeded by the Preparatory Company pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 above, concomitant assumption of liabilities shall apply. However, in such a case, the ultimate obligor between the parties to the Agreement shall be the Preparatory Company, and if the Taisei Lamick has performed or otherwise borne the burden of such succeeding liabilities, Taisei Lamick may demand reimbursement from the Preparatory Company, for the full amount of such burden.

Article 4 (Treatment of Employees)

Taisei Lamick shall not cause the Preparatory Company to succeed the employment contracts and labor agreements concerning its employees (including regular employees, contract employees, part- time employees, and temporary employees; hereinafter referred to as the "Employees") who are mainly engaged in the Business as of the Effective Date. Taisei Lamick shall second the Employees from Taisei Lamick to the Preparatory Company as of the Effective Date, and in such case, the period of secondment of the Employees and other conditions related to the secondment shall be determined upon separate consultation between the Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company.

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Article 5 (Consideration to be Delivered upon the Absorption-type Company Split)

Upon the Absorption-type Company Split, the Preparatory Company shall issue 195,000 common shares of the Preparatory Company, and allot and deliver all of them to Taisei Lamick.

Article 6 (Matters Concerning the Amount of Share Capital, Legal Capital Surplus, etc.)

The amounts of the Preparatory Company's capital stock, legal capital surplus, etc. to be increased by the Absorption-type Company Split shall be as follows.

  1. Share capital to be increased:
  2. Legal capital surplus to be increased:
  3. Legal retained earnings to be increased:
  4. Other capital surplus to be increased:
  1. yen 2,500,000 yen
  1. yen

The amount obtained by subtracting the amount of each of the preceding items from the amount of changes in shareholders' equity, etc.

Article 7 (General Meeting of Shareholders for Approval of the Absorption-type Company Split, etc.) The parties to the Agreement shall seek approval of the Agreement and resolutions of other matters necessary for the Absorption-type Company Split at a general meeting of shareholders (including cases where a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders is deemed to have been adopted pursuant to Article 319, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act) as well as make other institutional decisions by the date immediately before the Effective Date.

Article 8 (Duty of Due Care for the Companies' Properties)

The parties to the Agreement shall, from the conclusion of the Agreement to the Effective Date, execute business operations, and manage and administer all properties, with the duty of due care of a prudent manager, and if they engage in any act which will significantly impact the Business, they shall do so by agreement upon prior mutual consultation.

Article 9 (Change of Conditions for or Cancellation of the Absorption-type Company Split)

If any significant change arises to the status of properties or business management of either of the parties to the Agreement due to natural disaster or any other events during the period from the conclusion of the Agreement to the Effective Date, the parties may change the conditions of the absorption-type company split or cancel the Agreement upon mutual consultation.

Article 10 (Other Matters)

In addition to the matters set forth in the Agreement, other matters necessary for the Absorption-type Company Split shall be determined upon consultation between the parties to the Agreement pursuant to the purpose of the Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to the Agreement have prepared one original of the Agreement and affixed their respective names and seals, and the Preparatory Company shall retain an original hereof, and Taisei Lamick shall retain a copy hereof.

May 13, 2024

Splitting company:

Tadashi Hasebe, President


Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd.

873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka,

Saitama, Japan

Succeeding company:

Tadashi Hasebe, President


Taisei Lamick Film Manufacturing

Business Split Preparation Company,


873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka,

Saitama, Japan

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Schedule of Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded

The rights and obligations of the Company which the Preparatory Company succeeds through the Absorption-type Company Split are as follows, except for those that cannot be succeeded by laws and regulations or contracts. Of these rights and obligations, assets and liabilities or other debt to be succeeded shall be based on the balance sheet values and other calculated figures as of March 31, 2024, and be determined after adding or subtracting any increase or decrease up to the Effective Date, to or from such values and figures.

  1. Assets
  1. Current assets

Inventories, prepaid expenses, and other current assets belonging to the Business

  1. Non-currentassets
    1. Property, plant and equipment
      Land, buildings, machinery, equipment, leased assets, and other property, plant and equipment belonging to the Business
    2. Intangible assets
      Software and other intangible assets belonging to the Business
    3. Investments and other assets
      All shares of Green Packs Co., Ltd., long-term prepaid expenses, and other assets belonging to the Business
  1. Liabilities
  1. Current liabilities
    Current liabilities belonging to the Business that are permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded from Taisei Lamick to the Preparatory Company
  2. Non-currentliabilities

Non-current liabilities belonging to the Business that are permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded from Taisei Lamick to the Preparatory Company

3. Other rights and obligations, etc. to be succeeded

  1. Permits and licenses

All permits, licenses, approvals, registrations, filings, etc. obtained in connection with the Business that are permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded

  1. Others
    Of the rights and obligations subject to succession, those agreed upon to be excluded by Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company or those which are found to be difficult to be succeeded due to laws and regulations after the execution of the Agreement (including cases where it turns out that such assumption will result in the Taisei Lamick or the Preparatory Company incurring unexpected losses), may be excluded from the rights and obligations to be succeeded upon consultation between Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company as necessary.

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  1. Absorption-typeCompany Split Agreement (Copy) (Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery Manufacturing Split Preparation Company, Incorporated)

Absorption-type Company Split Agreement

This Absorption-type Company Split Agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd. (splitting company, hereinafter "Taisei Lamick") and Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery Manufacturing Split Preparation Company, Incorporated, (succeeding company, hereinafter the "Preparatory Company") as follows with respect to the absorption-type company split (hereinafter the "Absorption-type Company Split") whereby the rights and obligations in Taisei Lamick's business are to be succeeded to the Preparatory Company.

Article 1 (Absorption-type Company Split)

  1. Pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, Taisei Lamick shall cause the Preparatory Company to succeed its rights and obligations regarding the business of sales of liquid packaging film and development, manufacture, and sales of liquid filling machinery (hereinafter the "Business") through the Absorption-type Company Split, and the Preparatory Company shall succeed them.
  2. The trade names and addresses of the parties to the Agreement shall be as described follows:

(1) Splitting company: Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd.

Trade name: Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd. (The trade name is scheduled to be changed to "Taisei

Lamick Group Head Quarter & Innovation Co., Ltd" as of April 1, 2025.)


873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka, Saitama, Japan

  1. Succeeding company: Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery Manufacturing Split Preparation Company, Incorporated

Trade name: Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery Manufacturing Split Preparation Company,



873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka, Saitama, Japan

Article 2 (Effective Date)

The effective date of the Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter the "Effective Date") shall be April 1, 2025 at midnight; provided, however, that the date may be changed upon mutual consultation between the parties to the Agreement and in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act when necessary due to the progress of proceedings.

Article 3 (Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded)

  1. The rights and obligations of Taisei Lamick which the Preparatory Company succeeds through the Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter the "Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded") are described in Exhibit "Schedule of Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded."
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, any of the Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded may be excluded from the rights and obligations to be succeeded upon consultation between Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company if (i) such rights and obligations are not permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded through the Absorption-type Company Split, (ii) any significant obstacle occurs or may occur based on contractual provisions concerning succession through the Absorption-type Company Split, or (iii) such rights and obligations are agreed upon to be excluded by Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company.
  3. With respect to the liabilities to be succeeded by the Preparatory Company pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 above, concomitant assumption of liabilities shall apply. However, in such a case, the ultimate obligor between the parties to the Agreement shall be the Preparatory Company, and if the Taisei Lamick has performed or otherwise borne the burden of such succeeding liabilities, Taisei Lamick may demand reimbursement from the Preparatory Company, for the full amount of such burden.

Article 4 (Treatment of Employees)

Taisei Lamick shall not cause the Preparatory Company to succeed the employment contracts and labor agreements concerning its employees (including regular employees, contract employees, part- time employees, and temporary employees; hereinafter referred to as "the Employees") who are mainly engaged in the Business as of the Effective Date. Taisei Lamick shall second the Employees from Taisei Lamick to the Preparatory Company as of the Effective Date, and in such case, the period

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of secondment of the Employees and other conditions related to the secondment shall be determined upon separate consultation between the Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company.

Article 5 (Consideration to be Delivered upon the Absorption-type Company Split)

Upon the Absorption-type Company Split, the Preparatory Company shall issue 128,000 common shares of the Preparatory Company, and allot and deliver all of them to Taisei Lamick.

Article 6 (Matters Concerning the Amount of Share Capital, Legal Capital Surplus, etc.)

The amounts of the Preparatory Company's share capital, legal capital surplus, etc. to be increased by the Absorption-type Company Split shall be as follows.


Share capital to be increased:

300,000,000 yen


Legal capital surplus to be increased:

77,500,000 yen


Legal retained earnings to be increased: 0 yen

(5) Other capital surplus to be increased:

The amount obtained by subtracting the amount of

each of the preceding items from the amount of

changes in shareholders' equity, etc.

Article 7 (General Meeting of Shareholders for Approval of the Absorption-type Company Split, etc.) The parties to the Agreement shall seek approval of the Agreement and resolutions of other matters necessary for the Absorption-type Company Split at a general meeting of shareholders (including cases where a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders is deemed to have been adopted pursuant to Article 319, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act.) as well as make other institutional decisions by the date immediately before the Effective Date.

Article 8 (Duty of Due Care for the Companies' Properties)

The parties to the Agreement shall, from the conclusion of the Agreement to the Effective Date, execute business operations, and manage and administer all properties, with the duty of due care of a prudent manager, and if they engage in any act which will significantly impact the Business, they shall do so by agreement upon prior mutual consultation.

Article 9 (Change of Conditions for or Cancellation of the Absorption-type Company Split)

If any significant change arises to the status of properties or business management of either of the parties to the Agreement due to natural disaster or any other events during the period from the conclusion of the Agreement to the Effective Date, the parties may change the conditions of the absorption-type company split or cancel the Agreement upon mutual consultation.

Article 10 (Other Matters)

In addition to the matters set forth in the Agreement, other matters necessary for the Absorption-type Company Split shall be determined upon consultation between the parties to the Agreement pursuant to the purpose of the Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to the Agreement have prepared one original of the Agreement and affixed their respective names and seals, and the Preparatory Company shall retain an original hereof, and Taisei Lamick shall retain a copy hereof.

May 13, 2024

Splitting company:

Tadashi Hasebe, President


Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd.

873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka,

Saitama, Japan

Succeeding company:

Tadashi Hasebe, President


Taisei Lamick Sales and Machinery

Manufacturing Split Preparation

Company, Incorporated

873-1Shimo-Ohsaki, Shiraoka,

Saitama, Japan

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Schedule of Rights and Obligations to be Succeeded

The rights and obligations of the Company which the Preparatory Company succeeds through the Absorption-type Company Split are as follows, except for those that cannot be succeeded by laws and regulations or contracts. Of these rights and obligations, assets and liabilities or other debt to be succeeded shall be based on the balance sheet values and other calculated figures as of March 31, 2024, and be determined after adding or subtracting any increase or decrease up to the Effective Date, to or from such values and figures.

1. Assets

  1. Current assets

Inventories, prepaid expenses, and other current assets belonging to the Business

  1. Non-currentassets
    1. Property, plant and equipment
      Land, buildings, machinery, equipment, leased assets, and other property, plant and equipment belonging to the Business
    2. Intangible assets
      Software and other intangible assets belonging to the Business
    3. Investments and other assets
      All shares of Taisei Lamick USA, Inc., Taisei Lamick Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., and Scientex Packaging (Kajang) Sdn. Bhd., and long-term prepaid expenses and other assets belonging to the Business

2. Liabilities

  1. Current liabilities
    Current liabilities belonging to the Business that are permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded from Taisei Lamick to the Preparatory Company
  2. Non-currentliabilities

Non-current liabilities belonging to the Business that are permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded from Taisei Lamick to the Preparatory Company

3. Other rights and obligations, etc. to be succeeded

  1. Permits and licenses

All permits, licenses, approvals, registrations, filings, etc. obtained in connection with the Business that are permitted by laws and regulations to be succeeded

  1. Others
    Of the rights and obligations subject to succession, those agreed upon to be excluded by Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company or those which are found to be difficult to be succeeded due to laws and regulations after the execution of the Agreement (including cases where it turns out that such assumption will result in the Taisei Lamick or the Preparatory Company incurring unexpected losses), may be excluded from the rights and obligations to be succeeded upon consultation between Taisei Lamick and the Preparatory Company as necessary.

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Taisei Lamick Co. Ltd. published this content on 31 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 May 2024 00:38:02 UTC.