The Board of Directors of Stanley Black & Decker announced that John F. Lundgren, Chief Executive Officer, has been elected to serve in the additional capacity as Chairman of the Board of the company, effective March 13, 2013, following the expiration of Nolan D. Archibald's term as Executive Chairman of the Board. Mr. Archibald's Employment Agreement with the company expires on March 12, 2013, at which time Mr. Archibald will retire as Executive Chairman of the Board and as an executive of the company. Mr. Archibald will not stand for reelection as a Director of the company at its April 16, 2013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

The Board of Directors announced that James M. Loree, formerly Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer, has been elected to serve as President and Chief Operating Officer, effective January 13, 2013. Further, Mark J. Mathieu, Senior VP, Human Resources will retire on March 31, 2013, at which time Mr. Mathieu will be succeeded by Joseph R. Voelker, currently VP Human Resources. Mr. Loree and Mr. Voelker will report to Mr. Lundgren.