Sprint and Mapbox launched precision mapping technology with Curiosity IoT, allowing automated services that run on Sprint's dedicated IoT network to move around the ever-changing world with pinpoint accuracy. Smart machines, from drones to autonomous delivery carts, will be able to make fast location and routing decisions using highly detailed, accurate maps that are updated as the environment changes. Sprint and Mapbox: High Accuracy, Precise Detail and Instant Decision-Making: Mapbox has pioneered the "Live Map"; a map built not from traditional data surveys months or years before, but rather from data collected from hundreds of millions of location-enabled sensors that feedback information about the world in real time. Mapbox uses AI to turn those massive data flows into a picture of real time transit paths that can be used for precise, up-to-date routing. Through its relationship with Sprint, Mapbox will leverage the inherent advantages of Curiosity IoT with 5G to take mapping to the next level. The network's extreme bandwidth and low latency will allow Mapbox to collect higher volumes of richer data from the sensors, including high resolution video. That data can be processed to identify and detect changes in the physical environment. Those changes are then incorporated into updated maps which can be distributed at scale to a wide variety of smart machines. The result is more accurate, more up-to-date maps that reflect the world in real time. Sprint 5G and Curiosity are creating the new standard in IoT which features device data intelligence, over-the-air device management and chip-to-cloud security. When coupled with Sprint mobile 5G technology, Curiosity IoT's dedicated, distributed and virtualized IoT core network is capable of supporting artificial intelligence, robotics, edge computing, autonomous vehicles and other IoT systems requiring extreme low-latency and high-bandwidth.