The board of directors of Southwest Securities International Securities Limited announces that with effect from 29 March 2021, Mr. Pu Rui (``Mr. Pu'') has resigned as an executive director of the Company in order to focus on his other personal development. Dr. Zhao Mingxun (``Dr. Zhao''), an executive director of the Company, will temporarily perform the duties of chief executive officer until the Company identifies and selects a suitable candidate for the position of chief executive officer. Further announcement will be made by the Company as and when appropriate. The Board further announces that with effect from 29 March 2021, Mr. Pu has ceased to be an authorised representative of the Company as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the ``Authorised Representative'') and Dr. Zhao, an executive director of the Company, has been appointed as the Authorised Representative.