The board of Southern Archipelago Ltd. appointed Bryan Nicholas Lee Mun Hei as Chief Executive Officer. They will be responsible for implementing the Group's strategies plans and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Group. Working experience: February 2011 - present Managing Director of Condovest Sdn Bhd September 2004 - present Director of Sourcewell Corporation Sdn Bhd October 2021 - present Director and Chief Investment Officer of Mezzannotte Management Pte.

Ltd. Mr. Bryan Lee, indirectly holds 7% shareholding in the Company's associate entity, Labrador Hill Pte. Ltd. Directorship: Condovest Sdn Bhd Sourcewell Corporation Sdn Bhd Mezzanotte Capital Pte Ltd. Mezzanotte Management Pte. Ltd. Ultimate Horizon Pte.

Ltd. Labarador Hill Pte. Ltd. Baffyn International Corp. Eco-Luxe Pte.

Ltd., Appointment date: July 1, 2024.