Somerley Capital Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the nine months ended December 31, 2019. Based on the preliminary assessment of the unaudited consolidated management accounts of the Group and information currently available, the group's operating results from the ordinary course of business for the three months ended 31 December 2019 are expected to be positive and the group is expected to achieve a profit for the nine months ended 31 December 2019 compared with the loss reported at the interim. However, a decrease in the after-tax profit is expected for the nine months ended 31 December 2019 as compared to the after-tax profit of approximately HKD 10.9 million recorded for the nine months ended 31 December 2018. The expected decrease is mainly attributable to the absence of a marquee financial advisory transaction with revenue of approximately HKD 9.2 million which was completed during the nine months ended 31 December 2018.