Smart Decision Inc. announced a list of new CBD company affiliates being added to the platform: Purely CBD; Blue Plant Farms; Tree of Life Botanicals; Safer CBD; PlusCBD Oil. The Company is in late-stage development of its algorithmic CBD consumer solution, a revolutionary customer-centric shopping tool designed in partnership with MIT-trained computational data engineers. The platform is geared toward new and recent adopters in the CBD market -- people who know they want to try CBD but aren’t equipped with a sophisticated understanding of the factors defining different product types and characteristics. This model is predicated on the Company’s belief that the CBD market will be defined by a mainstreaming process for years to come, with waves of new “rookie” customers shopping for CBD without knowing how to parse products appropriately in terms of variables like potency, volume, grade, delivery mechanism, bioavailability, and other factors. The wide variability in marketing practices across the industry is also a barrier for new CBD consumers. All of these factors suggest that most CBD shopping experiences can be improved -- for both shoppers and CBD brands -- by the platform.