The Nomination Committee of Skeljungur hf. hereby advertises for nominations or candidacy to the Board of Directors for The Annual General Meeting of Skeljungur which will be held on March 5th, 2020.

The Nomination Committee has an advisory role regarding the election of Board Members by putting forth a proposal at the AGM. The objective of the Nomination Committee is to establish a transparent and clear procedure for the nomination of Board Members at the Company´s AGM. The procedure is intended to enable the shareholders to take a more informed decision regarding whom to elect for Board membership. The Committee's objective is also to ensure that the Company´s Board is sufficiently diverse when it comes to capabilities, experience and knowledge. Also, that the Board Members´ capabilities are usable for the Company and its subsidiaries.

The Nomination Committee requests that notifications about candidature for the Board of Directors will be submitted, on the attached candidature form, before end of February 6th, 2020 at The Committee will invite candidates to meet with them on February 7th, 2020.

The Committee’s proposal will be published, with other proposals to the AGM, February 13th, 2020. The Committee can change its proposal until 10 days before the AGM. Notification about candidature for the Board of Directors must be submitted five days before the AGM. The Nomination Committee will however not be able to assess candidature that is received after 16:00 on February 20th, 2020. Information about all candidates will be published on the Company’s website no later than two days before the AGM.

Key dates:

February 6th The Nomination Committee requests that nominations/candidacy are submitted within this day
February 7th The Nomination Committee interviews with candidates
February 13th The Nomination Committee submits its proposals
February 20th The Nomination Committee does not assess candidature that is received after 16:00
February 24th Deadline for the Nomination Committee to change their proposal
February 29th Deadline at 16:00 to submit candidacy for the Board of Directors


  • Form for Candidacy for the Board 2020
  • Form for Candidacy for the Board 2020

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