Sung-Eop Kang, Soo-Hyun Yang, Woo-Shin Seol and Kyu-Kyung Lee acquired 2.32% stake in Sejin Electron Inc. (KOSDAQ:A080440) from Chang-Yeol Lee for approximately KRW 410 million on December 29, 2015. Sung-Eop Kang, Soo-Hyun Yang, Woo-Shin Seol and Kyu-Kyung Lee acquired 0.5 million shares of Sejin Electron Inc. for KRW 820 per share.

Sung-Eop Kang, Soo-Hyun Yang, Woo-Shin Seol and Kyu-Kyung Lee completed the acquisition of 2.32% stake in Sejin Electron Inc. (KOSDAQ:A080440) from Chang-Yeol Lee on December 29, 2015.