Shin Tai Industry Co., Ltd. announced the elected Board of Directors at the 2024 Annual Shareholders' Meeting of the Company held on June 18, 2024. Title and name of the previous position holder: Director: Shin Fong Trading Co., Ltd. Representative: Wu,Jin-Quan. Independent Director: Shen,Zi-Wen.

Independent Director: Lin,De-Hong. Resume of the previous position holder: Director: Shin Fong Trading Co., Ltd. Representative: Wu,Jin-Quan Chairman,Shin Tai Industry Co.,Ltd. Independent Director: Shen,Zi-Wen - Business Manager,Chiau Mau Realty Co.,Ltd. Independent Director: Lin,De-Hong - Associate Manager, Jiaxin Food and Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. Title and name of the new position holder: Independent Director: Liao,Guo-Yuan. Independent Director: Zou,Guei-Jian.

Resume of the new position holder: Independent Director: Liao,Guo-Yuan - Finance manager,Chen Wei Development Co., Ltd. Independent Director: Zou,Guei-Jian - Director of the Equipment Team of the Academic Affairs Office,Private Taibei Senior High School. Effective date of the new appointment: June 18, 2024. Reason for the change: Term expired.

Original term is from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024.