The burial of the remains of the two suicide bombers, Mohamed Saharan and Mohammed Ibrahim Ilham Ahmed who were invovled in the Shangri-La Hotel attack were orded to take place at the at the Borella Cemetery by the Colombo Fort Magistrate yesterday (Dec 19).

The Magistrate RangaDissanayake ordered the Thimbirigasyaya Divisional Secretary to carry out the burial of the two suicide bombers at the expense of the government.

The Magistrate made this order after considering a request by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), informing them that their relatives had refused to accept the bodies of the two bombers.

The Magistrate also issued an order to the Chief Judicial Medical Officer to release the remains of the two suicide bombs currently in the JMO's office to the Thimbirigasyaya Divisional Secretary.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan