Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601015) agreed to acquire 51% stake in Shaanxi Huayun Logistics Co., Ltd. from Shaanxi Yellow River Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. for CNY 15 million on April 19, 2021. Within 10 days from the agreement effective date, Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601015) will pay 51% of the transfer price. Within 3 months from the transfer completion date, Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601015) will pay the remaining amount. As of March 31, 2021, Shaanxi Huayun Logistics Co., Ltd. recorded total assets of CNY 169 million, net assets of CNY 13.6 million. The transaction has been approved by Board of Directors of Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601015).