Ser Educacional S.A. (BOVESPA:SEER3) announces a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 4,360,000 shares, representing 8.34% of its issued and outstanding share capital. The shares will be repurchased at the market price.

The purpose of the program is to invest available resources in the acquisition of shares issued on the stock exchange, at market price, without reducing the company's share capital. The repurchased shares will remain in treasury or will be subsequently cancelled or even possibly reallocated of to any other plans approved by the company's General Meeting, including the share-based remuneration plan. The program will be funded with the use of resources available in the profit reserve account.

The repurchase program will expire on June 6, 2025. As of June 5, 2024, the company has 52,254,907 outstanding shares and has 386,800 shares held in treasury.