Sequans Communications S.A. has been selected by Techno Source and KD Interactive to provide the LTE connectivity for the new Kurio 7x 4G LTE tablet. The tablet includes Sequans' VZ20Q EZLinkLTE(TM) module, a complete LTE connectivity solution designed to provide manufacturers with a quick and easy solution for adding LTE to consumer devices. The Kurio 7x 4G LTE tablet will run exclusively on the Verizon Wireless network.

Sequans' VZ20Q EZLinkLTE module is certified compliant with Verizon Wireless Open Network specifications and operates on LTE bands 4 and 13. It comprises Sequans' Mont Blanc LTE platform baseband chip and all other elements necessary for a complete LTE modem system. These include an LTE-optimized transceiver, a complete dual-band RF front-end for bands 4 and 13, key interfaces, LP-DDR SDRAM, embedded boot Flash, and VC-TCXO all in a single, compact package.

The Kurio 7x 4G LTE tablet is the latest in the Kurio line of tablets for kids and families. The key feature is the proprietary Kurio Genius parental controls that give parents peace of mind while giving kids access to the cutting edge technology they want. The new Kurio 7x 4G LTE tablet includes all the features of the Kurio 7s tablet, and adds LTE connectivity for LTE bands 4 and 13 for Verizon Wireless.

The new Kurio 7x LTE tablet is expected to ship in summer of 2014.