Scandic Hotels provided earnings guidance for the fourth quarter of 2017. For the quarter, the company estimates that adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter 2017 will be around SEK 330 million. The deviation is explained by lower earnings in the Swedish operations and one-time costs for central functions. Earnings development in Norway and Other Nordics & Europe have remained positive during the quarter. The company estimates that adjusted EBITDA for the Swedish operations will be approximately SEK 200 million for the fourth quarter compared with SEK 264 million in the fourth quarter of the previous year, adjusted for a one-off gain of SEK 65 million. The decline in earnings is primarily attributable to operations in Stockholm where the market was weak in the quarter, and costs were not fully adjusted in line with the weaker LFL sales development. Adjusted EBITDA for Scandic Hotels' central functions is estimated to amount to approximately negative SEK 140 million for the fourth quarter compared with negative SEK 103 million for the corresponding period in 2016. The variance is mainly due to a number of one-time items. The result includes, among other things, costs for Scandic's long-term incentive programs and other non-recurring personnel costs.