SAR Televenture Limited hereby disclosed that previous announcement made on May 27, 2024 at 16:18:09, regarding entering into an agreement with National Highways Authority of India ("NHAI') to install 50 units of 4G/SG network infrastructure on NH 24 the road that connects Lucknow to Shahjahanpur and spans 170 kilometers within the NH RoW, was erroneous. They have received a letter from NHAI vide letter reference no. NHAI/PIU-LKO/NH-30/NOC/MK/2024/59.

requesting to submit the proposal made with all the required documents in order to install 50 units of 4G/SG network infrastructure. NHAI will then proceed with the appropriate action based on submission. The disclosure provided in previous NSE corporate announcement included details of the said proposal reg.