(Incorporated in Jersey under the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (Company number 110296)
AIM Share code: SCN JSE Share code: SCV ISIN: JE00B7YH8W36 (the "Company")

Result of AGM

Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on 29
October 2014 (the "Meeting"), all of the ordinary and special resolutions contained in the notice of annual general meeting and proposed at the Meeting, were passed by the requisite majority of votes.
Sacoven Plc has a primary listing on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock
Exchange and a secondary listing on the AltX of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
29 October 2014

JSE Sponsor

AIM Nomad and Broker

KPMG Services Proprietary Limited

Liberum Capital Limited

Chris Bowman & Christopher Britton

Tel: +44 (0)20 3100 2000

For further information please visit the Company's website
Niall McCallum + 44 (0)1534 823000

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