Av. Major Sylvio de Magalhães Padilha, 5200

Ed Miami - 3 e 4 º andar | Morumbi - São Paulo | CEP: 05693-000

Tel: (11) 4058-2502 | Fax: (11) 4058-2038

Company Registry (NIRE) 35.300.108.078 - CVM no. 16306
Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF) 61.065.751/0001-80
Publicly Held Company
Second distribution of unsubscribed shares of the capital increase
São Paulo, January 15, 2013. ROSSI RESIDENCIAL S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: RSID3) ("Company"), pursuant to the Notice to Shareholders and of the Notice to the Market announced on November 16, 2012 and on January 4, 2012, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general about the current situation of the capital increase and the beginning of the second distribution of unsubscribed shares:
As of the moment and including the shares subscribed on the first distribution of unsubscribed shares, of the initial 150,000,000 shares of proposed capital increase, the amount of 149,548,730 shares were subscribed at the issue price of R$ 4.00 (four Brazilian Reais) per share, for a total of R$ 598,194,920, which amounts for 99.7% of the capital increase.
The 451,270 unsubscribed shares were distributed in proportion to the shares subscribed to by each shareholder on the first distribution of unsubscribed shares.
The right of subscription of the unsubscribed shares may be exercised by shareholders who have subscribed shares on the first distribution of unsubscribed shares and opted to participate on the second distribution of unsubscribed shares, under the following terms:
1. Subscription Price: R$ 4.00 per common share.
2. Form of Payment: in cash at the time of subscription.
3. Proportion of Rights: 0.05179341901 share per subscribed share.
4. Period for Subscription to Leftover Shares: January 16, 2013 through January 18,
2013, including.
5. Shareholder Assistance Centers: deposit center of BM&FBOVESPA and specialized branches of Banco Bradesco S.A.
São Paulo, January 15, 2013.
Cássio Elias Audi
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer
For more information please contact:
Investor Relations: Tel: (55 11) 4058-2502 ri@rossiresidencial.com.br

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