Red Eagle Mining Corporation provided an update on operations at the Santa Rosa Gold Project, Antioquia, Colombia. Underground development at the San Ramon Gold Mine continues to advance according to plan with 592 metres in September for a total of 1,756 metres completed in the third quarter and 4,055 metres completed year-to-date. Development has been primarily focused on secondary access ramps and advancing eight attack ramps with the potential for up to 32 ore headings on levels -125, -150 and -175 metres, measured from surface. During September four of these attack ramps crossed the mineralized shear zone defining economic ore headings with channel sampling averaging 7.35 grams per tonne gold over an average stope width of 3 metres. Prior to mill startup in January 2018, Red Eagle Mining expects to have stockpiled 21,000 tonnes of development ore through December 2017.