Intema Solutions Inc. announced that it will launch a project to develop a Blockchain set of applications using its Artificial Intelligence and predictive marketing products. This will strengthen the company’s position in the marketing industry and open new avenues in complementary business lines. The first project will be a coupon solution that incorporates this Blockchain solution into eFlyerMaker, Intema’s email marketing application. This Blockchain based platform will allow consumers to use a single coupon to redeem and exchange promotional discount from any participating brand both online and offline. This represents an evolutionary change to secure the way coupons are being used, distributed and redeemed in Canada. By launching a cryptocoupon, Intema is attempting to transform the current coupon landscape into a crypto currency-based coupon system. This will create an open coupon ecosystem to give brands security and unprecedented freedom to consumers to redeem the coupon. Intema’s cryptocoupon will be the official virtual coupons of the new system.