RCL FOODS LIMITED - Results of general meeting 16 Jan 2014
RCL 201401160031A
Results of general meeting

RCL Foods Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1966/004972/06)
Share code: RCL
ISIN: ZAE000179438
(ôRCL Foodsö or "the Company")


RCL Foods shareholders are referred to the announcement released
on the Stock Exchange News Service on Thursday, 21 November 2013
and published in the South African press on Friday, 22 November
2013, advising of the proposed acquisition by RCL Foods of TSB
Sugar RSA and TSB Sugar International from TSB Sugar Holdings, the
implementation of the TSB BEE Transaction, the unwinding of the
current RCL Foods BEE structure, the implementation of a new RCL
Foods BEE Transaction and a proposed equity capital raising (ôthe
Proposed Transactionsö).

At the general meeting of RCL Foods shareholders held today, 16
January 2014, all the special and ordinary resolutions proposed,
including the resolutions required to implement the Proposed
Transactions, increase the CompanyÆs authorised share capital and
amend the Memorandum of Incorporation, were passed by the
requisite majority of votes.

The special resolutions will, where necessary, be lodged for
registration   with  the  Companies and Intellectual Property
Commission in due course.

16 January 2014

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

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