Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. announced the completion of two geophysical programs at its Russell South project, the commencement of a new geophysical survey at the Tabbernor project, and the rescheduled survey at the Smart Lake joint venture project. Additionally, Purepoint has released an updated Portfolio Handbook, now available on the Company's newly launched website. The Russell South project recently saw the completion of two significant geophysical surveys aimed at refining understanding of subsurface geology and identifying high-priority drill targets.

Geotech Ltd. conducted a VTEM plus (Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic) survey, which is renowned for its deep penetration and high-resolution capabilities. The VTEM plus results have been complemented by a MobileMT (Mobile Magnetotellurics) survey carried out by Expert Geophysics Limited. The final interpretations and products from these surveys are pending and are anticipated to significantly enhance drill targeting.

Purepoint has commenced a comprehensive airborne gravity gradiometer, gravity, and magnetic survey at the Tabbernor project, conducted by Xcalibur Smart Mapping. This extensive survey spans 7,549 line-km and targets the expansive Tabbernor Fault System, a crucial structural zone known for its proximity to mineral deposits. The survey aims to provide high-resolution data to better define drill targets and understand the complex geological structures within the project area.

The Smart Lake geophysical survey, initially postponed due to adverse weather conditions, is now scheduled to be completed before the end of the year. Discovery Geophysics will carry out the survey, focusing on the Groomes Lake conductor. The survey includes Stepwise Moving Loop (SWML) and Fixed Loop Electromagnetics (FLEM) techniques, which are designed to map the subsurface conductivity and identify potential drill targets.

The results of this survey will be instrumental in developing a detailed drill plan for the upcoming winter season. The 100% owned Russell Lake Project is located near the south-central edge of the Athabasca Basin covering an area of 13,320 hectares. Four target areas have now been identified at the project.

The three eastern targets are based on the recent results from the airborne geophysical surveys. The target zones are coincident airborne gravity low and magnetic low responses, interpreted as favourable rock types and/or alteration zones, that are proximal to north-northwest trending structures. The western Treleaven target area hosts historic coincident geochemical anomalies possibly related to a dilational zone lying between the interpreted north-south faults.

The Russell Lake project is approximately 20 km ENE of the Key Lake Mine that produced over 200 million pounds of uranium at a grade averaging 2.3% U3O8 between 1983 and 1997. In addition, the project adjoins the Moore Lake Project owned by SkyHarbour Resources Ltd. with their high-grade Maverick Zone and Rio Tinto's Russell Lake Project to the west and south.