Elitery announced their strategic partnership with the Association of Indonesia Municipalities (APEKSI) to introduce generative AI (gen AI) technology across city governments throughout Indonesia. Leveraging their status as a Google Cloud Managed Service Provider (MSP), Elitery will utilize the power of Google Cloud's enterprise-ready gen AI capabilities to deliver tailored solutions for municipal administrations, supporting Indonesia's ambitious Smart City vision. This collaboration represents a significant milestone in the digital transformation journey of Indonesian municipalities.

Elitery will integrate gen AI solutions into the city governance framework to enhance operational efficiency, optimize resource management, and improve citizen services, propelling municipalities towards more effective and responsive governance. Elitery and Google Cloud's gen AI solutions will enable municipalities to process and analyze extensive data sets, generate actionable insights, and implement data-driven strategies that enhance urban planning, infrastructure management, public safety, and more. These AI-driven initiatives will not only streamline service delivery but also boost citizen engagement and promote inclusive, resilient urban communities.

As Indonesia continues to prioritize its digital transformation and Smart City development, the partnership between Elitery and APEKSI underscores the commitment to harnessing advanced technologies to create sustainable and thriving urban environments.