ScandiVanadium Limited provided an update on the approvals process for its maiden drill programme at the Skåne Vanadium Project in Sweden. The drilling approvals process in Skåne County requires two substantive steps, the submission of a Work Programme to landholders affected by proposed drilling and submission of Notifications to the municipalities in which the proposed drilling is located. Once both processes are approved, the Company has the right to undertake the proposed drilling, subject to obtaining minor permits. In November 2018 and January 2019, the Company submitted Work Programmes to seven landholders for an initial fifteen-hole drill programme. The proposed programme will be undertaken on three of the eleven exploration licences that comprise the Skåne Vanadium Project, situated in two separate municipalities within the Skåne County of Sweden. ScandiVanadium submitted three Notifications to two municipalities in January 2019. Notifications contain information regarding the Company's health, safety and environmental plans, drilling procedures, waste management plans and a confirmation that no significant environmental effects are expected from the proposed drilling. ScandiVanadium has received a response from the Environmental Inspector for the Ystad-Österlen Region which is assessing two of the three Notifications. The response indicates that a decision will be made by the Executive Board and that they may not detirmine the Company's Notification until the Executive Board meets in the June Quarter 2019. ScandiVanadium will continue to work with Swedish government agencies, landowners and other stakeholders to progress the approval of its maiden drill programme. Due to the strong understanding of the geology derived from more than 200 water bore holes as well as three primary data points more than 26km's apart, showing consistent high-grade vanadium mineralisation, ScandiVanadium are confident of achieving a JORC resource on completion of this drill programme. The holes are planned to be no more than 125m in depth and ~1km apart, which highlights the shallow and homogenous nature of this sedimentary deposit.