ToCompany Name/Sc:he:me

Form 603

corporatlons Açt 2001

Soctlon 671!1

lillotice of initial substantial holder


603 15 JUiy 2001

ACN/ARSN 108 51)7 517
1. Oatalls of substantlal holdor (1ì
N•m• Bergen Global Opp?rtunity Fund Il, LLC, Bergen Global Opportunity Fund, LP, SerQan Asset M•nagement, I.I.C

and Elll_ene Tablls 1tooether, "Beroen")

ACN l ARSN (ifapplioable) ...t!L--------------------------------1
Thlil holder becarn1:1 a substantial halder on 07/0112014

2. OataUs of voting powor

The total numbet of votee. attt ched to ali the' voting shates in the campany or voting •nterests in the $Cheme thlilt thG substantial holder or an ,ç .::.::;:ocìate
(2) had a relevant interest (3) in on tM date the substantii:ll holder bec rna substantial holdt'f!r are as follows:

l Class of securitles (4) J Number of securlties 1 ersons' voto• (5)

Votinq power 6

l Ordinorv $hares 53,493,833 l 63,493 aaa l 9.79% l

3. Detalls of releva.nt intenustto

The nature of the ralevant interest the substantial holder or an a $oclate had in the- following voting securlties on the date tM substantia.l holder became a eubatantial holdar are as follow9:

Hold1U of relerv nt lnterest


Nature of 11o11avant lntereli-t 7

CIS$& and numbaof securitiàS

Sergen Global Opportunity un

Il, LI.C


Registerad holder of haros


Sergen Global Opportl..mity Fund, LP

Deemed ralevant interest as controllet of Elero•n Global Opponunity Fund Il, I.I.C


6orgen Asset Mooagemen, LI.C

Power to control voting ami disposal of

share oii ii!S Manager of Bafgen Globiill

Oooorlu111tv Fund, LP


Eugenfot lablis

P ; ; med releviilnt lnterest f;f c;:Ot'ltroller of Bemal"' Asset Manat ement, LLC


4, Dotail• of pro•onlroglsterod holdoro

Tha plilrsons fjiji!Qiliitlilred aiholders of the !iiiE cu itles referred to in paragriilph above are as follow,.,:


Tha considerç.tlon paid f(leach relevant lnterest reterred to in paragraph 3 above, and acqulred in tha four months prior to the day that the subijtantlal holder bec;:ame a oub$tantlal hoh;h;n· is as fc llow6:

Holder o·f relevlilnt intemst

Dateof acqulsition

Consideration (9)

ChiiOij and numbiillof


Holder o·f relevlilnt intemst

Dateof acqulsition





Balance $hares

acqulrd as per Proto Reaources & lnveijtme'llts Lirnlted's ASX

announcement dated

27 Doc<.mber 2013


B rgen


Conversioli of

$30,000 of

t:onvertible security


0850 9 :81 P10 /80/10

-------------------------·--·------------------------------------------------ ··· ,3 ----2_215 J um•IY :2 o ot

6. A5sociato:s
The reasons the pa $onnamed in para{Jr ph 3 above are assodata$ of the substantial holdar if:ll'fii çfoUow :

Name and. (lf; or

7. Addri' liielii

The addresses of parsons named in thls ft'Jrm are as follows:
Name l
l 400 Madlson Avonuo, Suite 16A. New York. NY 001" USA


printname Co B, ur n •-------------------------- C ao •• o iittv C F O I C O O ----------------------


o o V

(l) lf there arGl a number of :i:iub oiitanflal holders wllh sirnllar or related relevant interests (eg. a corpotat!on and lt:,; r'él.:tt!i!d c:orpor:atiomi, or the manager and trustee of an equlty tn.1 t), the names could be lncludtd in an :annexure to the form. lt the relevant lnterests ot a gtoup ot pe11;>ons ate assiilntially sirnilar, thlo'Y may be refemild to throughout the form as a specifically named group 1r· tM miòlmbatship of ; eh group, with the names and addresses of memtu.:m;; iloii clearly set aut in paragraph 7 of thlil t'onn.
(2) See th :J dQfinitJon af "iiJ oii ociate" in s.ectlon 9 ot' tha Corporatiomii A et 2001,
(3) See the definitian of "relavaot (ntereot" in sections 608 and 67"11:'3(7) ot the Corporations A.

(<1·) The votina shares of a company c<:mstitute one clas unless divided into separal :J classas.

(5) The total number of votes attaohod lo ali the voting shares In tha eomponY or voting interesto in the scheme (if any) that the person or an as5ociate has a relevant interest In.
(6) 1'he person's votes dlvlded Y tho !<>tal votes in the body corporale or > (a) any relevant agreement ol' othli!t circumstances by which t11e relevant Jnlemst Wii:l$ t eqvir'ed. lf' ;>ul;JJ f;;lction 671S(4) pplie9, ;copy of any document 9ettina out the tenr1s of any élévant agreernent, and a statement by the person giving full and accurate detalls of any eontt<:td, scheme or arrangement, must accompany this fonr1, toge:thar with i:l written l;>tatement certifyina thi-s contract. scheme or arrangement; and


any qualification of the power of a pereon to exercise, control the exercise of. or lnfluence tha axarei$Gl o'f, tha voUng powars or die:po5al of
the 9ecuritietio which the reki:vant lntéi'EIIiiit rel te9 (indica:ting clearly the particular securitles to whlch the quallflcatlon applles).
See the deflnitlon of "relevant aaree ment" in section 9 of the Corporatialiii;i Act 2001.

(8) lf thfa $Ub:;;tanti'lll holder i:;; unable to determina tha identity ot' the pena.on (eg. lf the relevant interest arises because of an option) write "unknown". (9) Oetails of the consideration must indudiòl ;;.ny a nd ii111 benefits., money and other, that any person from whom a relevant interest was acqulred has,

or may, become antltlad to receive in relation to that acqulsltlon. oatailrnw$t be included even ifthe benefit ie; conditional on the happening or
not of a contingency. Details must tJ4t included of any benefit paid on behalf of the substanllal holdar or lts a$&Qclate In ralation to tha
acquisitions. even if they are not pald dlièctly to the pen;on frum whom the relevant intorest was acqulred.

0850 3:JI.:J.:JO X3Q3.:J 9 :81 P10 /80/10

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